Heartbreak on top of the world: Australian woman dies on Mount Everest | 7NEWS Spotlight

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Dr Marisa Strydom was a high achiever, full of energy with a real zest for life. Her great loves were her husband Robert and their shared passion for climbing the world’s highest mountains. Their plan was to reach the summit of Mount Everest and share the joy of standing at the top of the world together. But deep in the Everest ‘death zone’, 8,000 metres up, disaster struck. Steve Pennells met her heartbroken husband and family, and obtained exclusive video from those final fateful hours. This story originally aired in 2016.

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We have a very different attitude about "quitting" on the mountian in Norway. It carries no shame and it is smart and encouraged when you are tired or feel unsafe.. it really saves lives. I hope people elsewhere can learn from that.


The problem is that Everest is no longer a destination for climbers; it is a destination for tourists.


The bodies on Everest teach us ONE thing. ... The Human Ego is a pathetic, deadly mental illness.


I would never want to "win" any mountain to lose my wife. What a tragic and irreversible life lesson!


There are places on earth where humans aren’t meant to be. Everest is definitely one of them!


Everest doesn't take lives, people give their life to Everest. Nobody is forced to climb it, and those that do understand the risks. This young woman gave her life to the mountain.


As harsh as this comment will sound - he should've never left her, his wife should of always been his number one priority, not some bloody mountain!


if she was too exhausted to reach the summit, she would definitely need help going down. He used that valuable time and energy to reach the top and go back down to her instead of helping her go down to a safer level.
Its obvious he's regretful, distraught and very sorry and was deeply in love. The guilt is killing him and he feels responsible.
I hope he finds peace. This video is a good lesson for those with Summit Fever.


“Do you mind if i go on?” Ugh... that story of a husband going on ahead to the summit and his wife dying has happened before. If you leave someone exhausted in the death zone to summit chances are when you come back they will no longer be there alive


I was with MY wife at high altitude in Nepal when she started exhibiting signs of acute mountain sickness. I immediately took and carried her pack and, from that moment, my whole purpose was to get her down. She kept asking me to let her stop and I kept dragging her to her feet and helping her on. We finally got to a lower altitude where she recovered.
Yeah, I blame this guy.


American mountaineer Ed Viesturs' famous quote: "Getting to the summit is optional. Getting down is mandatory."


Lesson: Never leave someone you love behind.


And now they’re gonna risk 10-12 more lives to go retrieve her body. If he wants her down, he should do it by himself. Don’t risk Sherpa lives because he made a mistake he cannot live with. She’s part of the mountain now. Leave her in peace and leave others to live their lives.


The mountain doesn’t take people. They choose to put themselves into extreme danger and some die.


My dad tells a story about a fellow chemistry student who came to a professor saying “I don’t know what to do. No matter how much I study, get tutors, etc. I still don’t get the material.” The crusty old German professor responded simply “Then you should quit! This isn’t your field.” The student later did and was much happier and more successful in another field, saying he was grateful for the advice. Quitting can be the smartest choice at times.


Stopping something because you're in danger of dying is not being a quitter, it's being smart and saving your life so that you can try again.


I never understood why people risk their lives to get to that summit! You get there, so what!!!! It was his duty to take her back down instead of going to the summit alone.


We need to know when to quit. This is a lesson for all of us that is so important to apply to all areas of our life. Quitting doesn't make us weak, it makes us noble and requires strength of self. Bless her and her family left behind


"Never a on what circumstances and how much our mind and body can take, we should know when to quit.


He can cry me a river did not convince me. At the end of the day he abandoned his dying wife for a minute of glory.
