The emotional costs of euthanasia | Sarah Hoggan DVM | TEDxTemecula

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I am deep in the trenches of guilt, I know euthanasia is the kindest way for them to go but I feel like the worst person ever. The Vet told me my dog had a really bad heart and I had to put her down. It's been 4 routine is gone, my sunshine is gone. She is just gone and I am doing my best but I am really really struggling. For anyone watching this or reading comments, who is mourning a loss, I am deeply sorry for your pain.


Losing an animal is one of the most soul wrenching things in life tbh


This lady is an angel for talking to us in this way. She is caring for the guardians of the animals too! God bless her


I just had to put my baby to rest yesterday. Watch her take her last breath, and watch her heart stop while tears are pouring down my face and I’m just petting her and singing you are my sunshine to her. I’ll never, ever be the same again. I’m utterly destroyed. I know I did the right thing, that’s what everyone says, but it sure does hurt.


“Grief is the natural price we pay for loving.” Powerful!


The French Nobel Prize winner Anatole France said, "Unless one has loved an animal, a part of the soul remains unawakened." The depth of grief over an animal can be as deep as over a human.


Today, I dropped my dog, Gibbs, off at the vet so they can take care of an infection. I planned on going to pick him up after work and give him some extra TLC the next few days. That did not happen though; he's coming home in an urn instead. Turns out, that infection was cancer and it is so bad he would have suffered if I waited any longer.
Over the years, I have watched this video multiple times and I am so appreciative to have it. I just did not expect to be watching it today. RIP Gibbs 2010-2023.
I know most of you guys on this video are going through this too. Even though I do not know you, I am so sorry for your loss and I hope things work out for you.


More than a year later, and I STILL question that decision. It was like losing a child. I still hurt.


I rescued my boy from a kill shelter 2 hours before they were to put him down. When I saw him he was sitting up on his back legs looking at me and he was literally talking ( dog talk) I took him home and gave him 11 more years ( he's was around 16 yrs) I never knew such unconditional loved existed . I had to say goodbye to my boy ( I named him Saved) 4 days ago and my heart is hurting so bad. I picked up his remains today and I can't quite crying. So thank you for this comforting video. I so needed this. RIP Saved, till we meet again I love you!


I have to put my pet down in couple of hours, and I've been crying the whole video. I've never grieved this much in my life. This will be hard to get over.


Grief isn't the price we pay FOR loving..
it's just love that has nowhere to go.


I said goodbye to my friend of 14 years today. He taught me so, so much. So glad i found this today.


I work as a vet assistant and have helped in many, many euthanasias. I consider it an honor and a privilege to bear witness to a beloved pet's passing. There are only a handful I've cried in or after, but Dr. Hoggan's talk gave me permission to cry for them all.


Wow, she made me really cry.
I love her honesty and ability to transmit her feelings. I am amazed she is able to that on the stage


She did very well not to cry and completely break down during this speech. This is the speech I needed to hear.


I ended up here because I put my cat down today. This lady is a savior


I found this video back in 2022 when we put one of our babies down. Now here again in 2024, putting another baby down, coming back to this video for comfort.


It has been 26 days since I had to lay my soul kitty to rest. Making that impossible decision shattered my heart, but I knew it was the last act of earthly love I could give to my best friend. I miss him so fiercely and not a day has passed where I haven’t cried over him. But it was the relief he deserved. Sending love to anyone reading this who is here for the same reason. I grieve alongside you♥️


The feeling of betrayal was very strong and real putting my dog down. Even though I was blessed with 14-15+ years with my baby I still regret not doing enough to even give him a single extra day, and cherished him like the blessing he was every day I got to have him in my life. Rest in peace Dodi, you were my son, my brother, and my best friend.


I just euthanized my 18 year old Cypee (mixed Chihuahua) yesterday, I have cried and sobbed since then. I am 77 years old and by far this was the hardest thing I have ever done. Thank you so much for your video, I feel all the things you said people feel when they go through this with their animal. Guilt, grief, and question myself did I make the right decision. Cypee had been very sick for over a month, he couldn’t hold food on his tummy, was vomiting and had runny stool. On top of this the Vet had recently diagnosed him with a kidney disease. My heart is broken and I am and will miss him. Thank you again for your video, it’s nice to know I am not alone.
