Python Flask WT-Forms Demo: Radio Buttons

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In this video we look at a Python-Flask app that uses WT-Forms to create a form that allows the user to use three sets of radio buttons (RadioField) to choose: 1) the type of burger (hamburger, cheeseburger, etc.); 2) the cook level (rare, medium rare, etc.); and 3) fries (yes or no). In the RadioField, we establish A) a label, B) the choices -- which consists of a list of tuples with the values (behind the scenes) and what the user sees, C) a InputRequired validator that forces the user to choose one of the radio button options, and D) a render_kw dictionary that assigned the form element to a CSS class. (The CSS class can also be applied by using Jinja). We use some "tricks" in Jinja on the handler page -- like splitting and casting one of the tokens as a float so we can display the desired output which includes the user's total if they chose fries.
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