Why Artists HATE AI Art! (And Why It’s NEVER Ethical) || SPEEDPAINT + COMMENTARY

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Here's my art studio's website as well as my new portfolio, if you want to see an example of the kind of thing you can build using Squarespace:



UPDATE: YES, I know LAION 5B has 5.85 billion images and not 170 million, hence the name. I used the number after looking at a previous LAION dataset, and noticed the mistake after the video was already made. Please don't demolish me too hard. I know I'm dumb. I understand. You don't have to tell me.



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UPDATE: YES, I know LAION 5B has 5.85 billion images and not 170 million, hence the name. I used the number after looking at a previous LAION dataset, and noticed the mistake after the video was already made. Please don't demolish me too hard. I know I'm dumb. I understand. You don't have to tell me.


5:48 “They just prefer to ask for forgiveness rather than permission” *Looks at DeviantART*


It makes me so sad how before when people saw an amazing artwork, they would forget that it was illustrated by a real person, but now we are starting to lose that magic since it actually could be just something an ai made not an actual person.


3:43 Kudos to you for getting this right. A lot of people incorrectly think that AI image generators store images, as you pointed out, they are, in fact, trained on them.


to me it is more than just copyright and jobs. I'm angry because I don't want meaningful human experiences to be replaced by a cheap, quick, and lifeless version.


As you pointed out, it's not AI itself the problem, it's how it is being used. I have a friend who has mental issues that gives him serious problems at drawing and he is content that now he can at least achieve something, so he uses it for personal use. And that's totally fine to me. The problem are those that are actively doing this to attempt to replace artists entirely.

Look at Adobe announcing their AI, that they immediately snuck a function in their cloud to feed art you upload in their system to own AI for training purposes. I'm surprised big companies aren't doing anything on this. They are literally being taken own assets (including 3D models!) to feed on a system designed to supposedly take over their very business. Adobe has grown tired of developing tools for the art market and is trying to *become* the art market itself.

Same for AI voice production. You can feed almost any voice on it and it will attempt to reproduce it to make such people say anything you want. "Ah yes, so much fun!" And yet this is a gigantic help to fraud and fake news creators. This tech is *not* gonna benefit more than it damages. And beyond "funny tik tok voice filters" and single user productions that cannot afford voice actors, this is not gonna help anyone *but* criminals. And yet, here it is. Ready to make anything you listen to unreliable in the immediate future and beyond.

AI is yet another technology with great potential, that is being used to harm way more than it benefits by people that are allowed to do anything they want. And this is showing in *any* branch it is being attached to.


Speaking of cans of worm, I find worms very interesting. Especially helminths. When generally discribed, people might find these creatures distasteful. However, when looked at under a microscope I find these creatures quite beautifull, most of all the cestodes. Although, trematodes can also be cool.


I will never use Ai even if it gets ethical because I believe that what ever the Ai would create would still not be mine, so even if that happens I will draw from my own hands (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)


What is truly ironic to me is when these ai "artists" start threatening lawsuits because someone reposted their work and claim it "infringed on their copyright" but they are super defensive about the entire complaint that the program that they are using stole actual artists' work without any attempt to get permission.

I have literally seen these people try to sell these supposed "totally done by me" illustrations for book covers and try to sell them to authors without disclosing the actual facts that it was made entirely by ai. These aren't like $50 bucks, they are trying to sell these for hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

That is not ethical no matter how you try to spin it. When these people are asked, they either freak tf out, ignore the authors, or they suddenly vanish and then make a new account to try again. It has single-handedly created complete unnecessary chaos just so someone can make a quick buck and scam someone.

Not only that but now actual book cover artists (ones with literal years of experience, way before all of this became a thing) are getting harassed if they don't provide every single step of their process when trying to sell their book covers because this ai stuff and the scammers with it have created this entire mindset of "we can't trust any of them."

I have yet to see any actual good thing to come out of this entire mess.


Thank you for also speaking up, and I especially agree on your point of focusing on making it less bad than trying to get rid of it altogether. I think in the end the AI technology as a whole has plenty of potential to help artists, but for that it has to be engineered with actual artist workflows in mind, rather than 'collect the whole internet and see what pretty things we can extract from it'.


The ultimate reason why this debate is so heated is that a lot of people dont understand the artistic appeal and the process of attaining art as a skill and all the work behind it. And its extremely hard to explain and tell someone that doesnt know.

Some see Art as a product and the others see it as a process


I loved being able to see make your short comic in this video, I’m working on a webcomic and I always love seeing the artists that inspire me working on their own for my own inspiration


AI art also runs on descriptions of the piece you want to make. The ai will never make the same image you picture in your head no matter how specific you are. Human artists are so much better, because one you can make it yourself, and two, you can tell the human artist exactly what pieces of the references to use. For example, "I really like this tree" or "this pose looks nice, but could you put this arm here?" In conclusion, human artists are so much better than AIs.


I personally don’t care if A.I art is ethical or not
They can never top us who actually put effort into their art (like me, the person reading this [presumably] or any other artist from 3 year olds drawing simple stick figures to Picasso and di-Vinci)
Which is why I am from now on going to call ai art “ai image generation” as that what it is


This is the most coherent, balanced, thoughtful and rational commentary on AI Art that I have seen on the internet. Thanks.


I think it’s very important to educate people on this topic. A lot of people will see ai art, and look no farther than the “art” piece itself. They see the pretty colors and that’s it. They don’t think about how it affects actual artists or actual art.


Crazy timing this is literally the very first morning I tried making art with DALL-E as a helper. I’ve been so against it so far but I had it try to imitate my own (publicly available) art in an attempt to be as ethical about it as possible about it. Love all your thoughts on it 💚


I don’t know if I really agree about concept art and the like being the first to go. For example AI can develop beautiful renders, but concept art in certain fields usually requires technical knowledge about how a character design for a game actually.. well works in game. Is the design readable? Is it possible to implement through code? Would it break the rigging and animation? etc.
Stuff like that is harder to automate I think.


Ai art will never be as good as a real artist


As much as I wish it would go away you are right in the best we can do is "less bad" I think.
Just to expand on something, I think we should perhaps set our sights on more than just legislate company's to keep a minimum number of artists employed on projects, we should probably consider having some sort of minimum human to automation % in all industry's.

I've hard that AI will create jobs and there might be truth in that, but I still think even if that is the case we need to minimise rapid job loss happening all at once, Buzzfeed have already laid off employees for AI and I fear the trend will get worse over the year.
