BeBe and CeCe Winans - I Found Love (Cindy's Song)

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BeBe Winans - I Found Love

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To anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind right now. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life. Amen.


I walked down the isle at age of 71 and my husband is 73 to this song. I found real love in June 17, 2023.


At 63, never married, prayer for the man the lord knew I needed .
All the way in Jamaica, I was married at 65 to my JA 45 old husband . It’s been love and blessing ever since ❤🙏


One day, I'll come back to this song. Not to read comments, but to give my own testimony of the goodness of God. God bless you for this song


I married my Boaz 6/4/16 and this was our wedding song on the beaches of Jamaica! Still going strong with Gods grace


I walked down the aisle for the first time at 61 to meet my husband 66 to this song. June 25, 2022.. When I found you, I knew this love was a gift from above.. Thank you Jesus !🙏


God know how to bring the right one in your life. This is my song walking down the aisle. My four sons will be giving me away. August 22, 2020🤵🏾👰🏾


I just got engaged last night to my best friend.. I waited on God and believe me it was worth the wait..God gave me an amazing man to love me and my 3 girls!!! Wedding plans in the making!


When I found God, I had slept for 3 months in a coma! When I woke up, I didn't understand why I was in the hospital! I asked a nurse, why am I here! She said, I can't tell you right now! I was totally confused! Two of my neighbors had my kids! I thank them until this day! Who would take a neighbor kid? Get them to school everyday, give them lunch money! I love my neighbors! I thank God for all of them!


I am 65 years old and I swayed down the aisle to meet my husband, who is 70 years old this past Saturday, July 31, 2021. The words are exactly what I wanted to say. Love this song. Never too late for love


I waited 44 years but God. I've finally met the one God made just for me💚


Take the next step in faith. Don’t be afraid. God’s got you. ♥
I was about to die from an overdose in my apartment in Miami all alone after so many different drugs…I went to grab my phone and I couldn’t even see what I pressed and out of no where YouTube started and this song played. My heart was beating out of my chest and then the room turned white and I felt at peace. My heart slowed down and I survived. Jesus Christ is real people. He saved my life.


I dedicate this song to you Jesus. Lord no one loves me like you do. You are my anchor never lonely always confident and safe in my savior arms. Glory to you lord.


❤❤❤ I’m getting married on 7-25-2024 in Las Vegas this is my song walking down the aisle. To God be the Glory thank you 🙏🏽 🙏🏽🙏🏽 father God for blessing me with my twin he knows me my best friend my husband I waited on you and you gave me what I needed. Forever grateful God


I marched down the isle to this song on 4/10/21 and married the most loving, caring and gentle spirt of a man. A week ago today, after only 15 months, 4 days of marriage he passed away. My heart is broken to say the least. I miss him so much and this song is a great testimony of the relationship we shared. Not a day went by where he didn't express his love for me. It's rare to find true UNCONDITIONAL love in a relationship and one not based on material things or what that person can do for you. To anyone contemplating marriage or planning to marry, please don't ever take the love you share for granted. Love on one another daily and most importantly, keep God at the center. 💔


Got married 4 days ago and walked in to this song. So beautiful and so true in my case. 61/2yr long distance relationship between Florida and Connecticut ended in us joining together in Holy Matrimony
So blessed😊


July is a great month, on July 28th this year I will be married 39 years to the best spouse anyone can ask and thrust God for. Lord Jesus thank you for blessing me with a loving, caring, supportive husband .


My name is Cindy and this is my favorite song.. When I found me through God I was happy for God giving me back me. That's real love❤


I know i found love when i found my husband, my soul mate, my childhood sweetheart, my every day crush 21 years together we still cuddle on sofa and i sleep in his arms. I FOUND MY FOREVER THANK YOU LORD THIS IS A GIFT FROM ABOVE


If this song doesn't move you on the inside YOU ARE NOT HUMAN🙌🏾🙌🏾
