Γιατί ο Ιωάννης ο Θεολόγος ονομάζεται Παρθένος - Άγ. Γρηγόριος Παλαμάς #shorts

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«Μόνο αυτός από τους αποστόλους, και όλους τους πριν απ᾽ αυτόν, και μετά απ᾽ αυτόν περιβόητους, κατόρθωσε να καλείται από όλους παρθένος. Διότι, όπως φαίνεται, μόνο αυτός φύλαξε σ’ όλο τον βίο του και τα δύο. Δηλαδή και την ψυχή και το σώμα, και τον νου και τις αισθήσεις, καθαρά. Την παρθενία του σώματος βέβαια, λίγοι την κράτησαν, αλλά τη γνωρίζουν σχεδόν όλοι. Της ψυχής όμως ακριβής παρθενία, είναι η ασυμβίβαστη γνώμη προς κάθε αμαρτία. Ώστε με το προσωνύμιο "παρθένος", προσμαρτυρείται στον Ιωάννη σχεδόν η αναμαρτησία. Γι’ αυτό και έγινε αγαπημένος, στον μόνο από τη φύση του αναμάρτητο Χριστό, και αυτό το επώνυμο, μόνος αυτός από όλους το απέκτησε».
Άγιος Γρηγόριος ο Παλαμάς, εγκώμιο στον άγιο Ιωάννη τον Θεολόγο
"He alone of the apostles, and all those before him and after him who were notorious, managed to be called a virgin by all. For, as it seems, he alone kept both throughout his life. That is, both soul and body, and mind and senses, pure.
The virginity of the body, of course, few have kept, but it is known by almost everyone. But the exact virginity of the soul is the uncompromising opinion towards all sin. So by the epithet "virgin," John almost reproaches sinlessness. Therefore he became beloved, to Christ, who alone by nature was sinless, and this surname he alone of all acquired."
St. Gregory Palamas, homily on St. John the Theologian
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Άγιος Γρηγόριος ο Παλαμάς, εγκώμιο στον άγιο Ιωάννη τον Θεολόγο
"He alone of the apostles, and all those before him and after him who were notorious, managed to be called a virgin by all. For, as it seems, he alone kept both throughout his life. That is, both soul and body, and mind and senses, pure.
The virginity of the body, of course, few have kept, but it is known by almost everyone. But the exact virginity of the soul is the uncompromising opinion towards all sin. So by the epithet "virgin," John almost reproaches sinlessness. Therefore he became beloved, to Christ, who alone by nature was sinless, and this surname he alone of all acquired."
St. Gregory Palamas, homily on St. John the Theologian
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