HARRY POTTER: RETURN TO HOGWARTS | Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson & Rupert Grint Interview

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Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts - Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson & Rupert Grint official interview
Directed by Eran Creevy, Joe Pearlman, Giorgio Testi and starring Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, Ralph Fiennes, Gary Oldman, Bonnie Wright, Helena Bonham Carter, Chris Columbus, Jason Isaacs...

Series based on the Marvel Comics superhero Hawkeye, centering on the adventures of Young Avenger, Kate M. Bishop, who took on the role after the original Avenger, Clint Barton.

#HarryPotterReturntoHogwarts #DanielRadcliffe #EmmaWatson #RupertGrint.

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so emotional !!! it's like meeting an old friend. I grew up with these characters and the actors who portrayed them. It's amazing and unbelievably that's been twenty years and the Harry Potter fandom is still growing strong as ever!


I grew up with the Harry Potter movies coming out, same with my older brother, and these movies have been apart of our lives entirely. Back then the merchandise wasn't as detailed as nowadays, but was still good. And we had the Lego sets, costumes, toys, games both pc and boardgames. Always drew harry potter or dressed up as him. Just fantastic, and I'm grateful for being able to grow up along it as well with the cast of the movies. Now my nephew loves harry potter, has the (much better detailed) merchandise, everything my brother grew up with he now loves as well; and I will myself do the same with my future kids. I'm an introvert, got bullied a lot, so harry potter was one of the worlds I escaped to in order to cope and feel at home, and I will love harry potter until I die of old age. I'll even be buried with a harry potter wand and other childhood symbols.


First Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield along with their own respective other old actors except Topher Grace and James Franco are back to reprise the roles in no way Home
Then the Harry Potter stars are also back to reprise the roles of their own Harry Potter characters
It means that The childhood movie stars are back to reprise the roles


I 'kind of' love a Rupert Grint interview 🧙‍♂️🧡


I'm crying I need the Harry Potter universe again🥺🥺


Rupert about his fans:
“I do get shouted out things quite often… like get your wand out hehe”
*bombastic side eye*


I love Harry Poter actors childhood to adulthood🧒🏻🧔🏻


honestly the best books of all time. the movies are goated too


I love Harry Potter I've been a huge fan I am quite sad since there are not going to be any more Harry Potter films and I hope I will get to see you one day I hope you get my message


They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. You could tell towards the end that the trio wanted to move on and try other things (Dan and Emma especially) but after ten years coming back to this world and experiencing it again they felt comfortable and happy. Shame JK Rowling wasn't a part of it. I miss the days when people could have views without being vilified


Tobey Maguire is Back along with Andrew Garfield in no way Home and same with the Harry Potter stars return to Hogwarts


Is it just me or is this video in like 10 fps it hurts my eyes


Despite everything JKR has done and said since, I will always be grateful that I grew up with the Harry Potter books and movies. I especially enjoyed the movies mostly because I am not that much younger than the actors themselves.


every1 else expect ron has physically grown


I'm loving how some of the people don't want the new TV show to start up but if you think about it it makes complete senses if they recast people are gunna forget about the original cast an they won't be making money from thoses movies anymore interviews all the fam will be on the new show so they have to talk shit about it money runs the world guy


Small harmayani hery potter like, then real acting


Its so stupid JK Rowling didn't get to be apart of her own reunion. Yes, I don't appreciate her as a person. I don't like that she is transphobic, thus I could never be friends with her. But no matter what she is or what she supports, we can't pretend any of this would be here without her. She is a great writer, and you can't deny it. You can't applaud the art without applauding the artist, its not possible. Keep professional and personal life separate please.


these three leads & the studio are a disgrace. Without Rowling, they’d be nowhere & not set for life !!


I didn't know Harry Potter was part of the Marvel universe 🤣

read the description


i was always wondering why he had long hair in the 4th film now know why (kinda)
