Pearl Gourami. A whole set of jewelry for your beautiful tank! (Leopard Aquatic J015A)

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Pearl Gourami (Trichopodus leeri) is also called Leeri Gourami. Both male and female has pearl-like spots across entire body, while adult male will display vivid orange coloration.
Distribution: This beautiful labyrinth fish inhabits black water swamp in forested area. Can be found in Sumatra, Borneo, Thailand and Malaysia, the specimens that we have are from Sumatra.
Character: The Pearl Gourami is one of the easiest gouramis to care of. It will do well in planted tank and considerably peaceful fish. Male will become territorial and a little aggressive when in mating period.
Diet: Being not a picky eater, high quality pellets, frozen bloodworm and frozen shrimps will be readily accepted.
Water parameter:

pH: 6.0-7.5
TDS: 50-300 ppm
Temperature: 25-28°C
Max length: 12 cm
Usual size on trade: 5-8 cm
Suitable tank mates: Platy, danio, guppy, molly, Corydoras, rainbowfish, Angelfish and etc.
Unsuitable tank mates: Small invertebrates and aggressive fish is not recommended
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