5 BIGGEST Takeaways from President Trump's COVID Diagnosis – (UPDATE)

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5 BIGGEST Takeaways from President Trump's COVID Diagnosis – (UPDATE)

This video gives my medical insight from the medical update about President Trump's COVID diagnosis and hospitalization. President Trump's doctor, Dr. Sean Conley, gave a press conference regarding Trump's COVID illness.

Trump's height is 6’ 3” weight is 243. When you use the BMI calculator, BMI comes out to 30.4, classified as obese. This is important because we know that obese patients have a worse prognosis with COVID. It's also important because it's more evidence that he is making things look rosier than they really are, and when that happens, he loses credibility.

Doctor Mike Hansen's Programs ⏩

Another thing that Dr. Conley said is that days 7-10 of illness is when the inflammation phase occurs, and therefore they will monitor him closely at that time. Whether that is in the hospital or not is still TBD, it all depends on how he is doing. There are many COVID cases, which I see in my experience as a pulmonary and critical care doctor that lots of times, COVID starts out slow and seemingly innocuous, and things can quickly go South. At this day 7-10 mark, if the cytokine storm is going to develop, meaning lots of inflammation in the lungs and systemic inflammation, it's typically around this time.

At this point, no doctor in the world knows how this is going to play out. Trump can get better, he could get worse, it could happen slowly, it can happen quickly. I’ve had patients who are months out recovering from COVID. I had a patient who had symptoms with COVID; they got better and were discharged from the hospital; they later came back to the hospital and ended up dying. So there is no way of predicting this illness.

The other thing is that President Trump received this experimental therapy called REGN-COV2, made by a biotech company called Regeneron. It’s essentially 2 different monoclonal antibodies that are combined into a cocktail. Regeneron scientists selected two antibodies that best neutralized a version of the novel covid in the lab. They then cloned these antibodies and put them into a cocktail therapy. Regeneron announced results from the first 275 non-hospitalized patients in a late-stage trial that showed that the treatment was safe and seemed to reduce viral levels and improve patients' symptoms with Covid.

The greatest improvements were seen in those who hadn’t already mounted a detectable immune response to the novel covid. The patients in the trial were on average age 44 years old, and almost half the patients in the trial were obese, and about 2/3rds of them had one or more underlying risk factors for severe Covid. So there will be more data to come from this trial and from a trial involving hospitalized patients. One is testing the antibody cocktail as prevention for people who have contact with someone in their household who has Covid; they also declined to say when Trump had his last negative Covid test, which has important implications for contact tracing.

Incubation time up to 14 days, average 4-7 days. But a more precise answer would come by knowing his last known negative test and then testing positive. And this is absolutely something that needs to be disclosed. You have to remember that when someone contracts the virus, the virus starts to replicate, and then at some point, not right away, but at some point, that person will test positive.

Does that happen on day 1? Day 2? It's not known exactly how many hours or days someone will test positive after contracting the virus. It's likely a day or two, and it likely depends on different factors, so it's variable. But this is why people who have been exposed to someone with COVID are why they have to be quarantined for 14 days. So everyone who was exposed to Trump since he first contracted the virus needs to be in quarantine.

Doctor Mike Hansen, MD
Internal Medicine | Pulmonary Disease | Critical Care Medicine

#covid #donaldtrump
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My dad died from complications from covid in June. His heart just stopped after 6 days in the hospital. He was diabetic. My mom was negative 3 times after and the rest of my family. What is crazy is my mom and dad shared everything in the house. My dad was very safe because he knew if he got it wasn't good. We still don't know where he got it from. He was only out of the house 3 times since March. 2 of them for cataract surgery and one for doctors appointment. So how did he get the virus? I would love to know. I talked to my dad Saturday on the phone. He told me he loved me. His last words to me. The next morning he ate breakfast took his pills and his nurse left the room 10 minutes later his heart mentored went off and he died. 6 days in the Sioux Falls hospital. I'm heartbroken! Please be kind to everyone. I'm sick of all the hate in our country. They gave him plasma treatment. I just want our president to be ok. And all people who have covid! This can happen to anyone.


Great insight. Thank you. Btw I don’t believe in anonymous sources when it comes to Trump anymore. They always prove to be false.


They mentioned his kidney and liver function, but nothing about his lungs?

After a Covid-19 diagnosis?


And FDR never was transparent about his failing heart.


I don't believe anything that doctor said. I think that if he gets really bad, they will not let the public know.


Did you see him shaking his head every time he gave a positive answer for and about Trump??? That is body language right there that proves he's not being honest


Referring to the President’s Physician: “Credibility is zero in my eyes.” Here....here! Thank you so much Doc.


Love the true, no BS answers from these videos. Scary times out there and so many people are still doing things like the virus no longer is an imminent threat. I hope more people will learn to stop going out of their house for leisurely reasons so often. I'm praying my family and friends stay well and protected.


I want to let you know how much I’ve really appreciated your insight. The info you shared in your video about COVID19 patients presenting with extremely low Oxygen Saturation levels while still pretty lucid yet needing supplemental oxygen, and even in some cases ventilation - saved my friends life.

I had her daughter run out immediately, pick up a pulse-OX and check her O2-sat level. She was at 85. This all happened on Mother’s Day. On her way to the ER, my friend started becoming disoriented. Her risk profile: African American, 54 yrs old, smoker & obese. She had tested positive 3 days earlier via PCR test prompted by exposure to 2 adult children would also tested positive with mild symptoms. She had had temperature, body aches, headache, cough, loss of taste & smell, difficulty breathing, lethargy and was as advised by Cuyahoga County OH Health department to self isolate & follow up with Primary Care Dr. to report symptom progression. She called her Dr. on Mother’s Day morning & was told if symptoms didn’t improve to come in following day.

As fate would have it. I called her daughter to check her status after seeing your video —- she’d just spoken with her doctor a few minutes earlier. I call that divine intervention.

At the hospital after checking her temperature and O2-sats the immediately began giving her oxygen.

She ended up being anesthetized, intubated & on a ventilator for 2.5 weeks with severe disease. She was treated with Tocilizumab and
Remdesavir as they fought off the cytokine storm that was wreaking havoc throughout her body trying to kill the virus.

She ‘recovered’ and was released into a Rehab facility after a month in the hospital.

She’s doing well now with some lingering memory loss and hair loss ... but she’s alive.

Sorry so long.but I had to share this experience to encourage you to keep it up. You are indeed a true super hero. You save lives all day and then make time to explain this stuff in clear language us lay folks can understand.

You matter! You are making a HUGE difference and saving many lives you’ll never see! God Bless you!


I would be interested in Dr. Hansen following recently diagnosed Chris Christy who coached Trump for the debates without protection and attended the Rose Garden event. Christy is the definition of morbidly obese with asthma and was admitted to hospital because of that and I'm sure other factors putting him at high risk for a bad outcome or death from Covid.


Something seems off. WH reports of Trump being very weak and tired. Then they added shortness of breath.Yet when he walked to the helicopter he didn't look tired nor did he show signs of breathing distress. As you said, the doctor giving the update seemed unhelpful. Actually I found his demeanor rather avoidant. Maybe that was his way of not frightening the public. I'm not sure.
Thank you for stepping up with some good points.


Great to hear the science without the politics, thanks Doc


The doctor's response regarding supplemental oxygen was a "Non Denial-Denial". Why can't anyone associated with Trump ever just tell the truth?


I never believe "anonymous source" anymore.


Thank you for this information, Dr. Hansen.


Totally lying about his weight. He’s closer to 300 lbs. at 243 and 6’2”, he would look much slimmer.


Dr. Hansen would make a great Surgeon General.


Prayers to the President and First Lady to have quick and complete healing. 🙏🏽


Chemo/Infusion/Cardiac RN here. Doc thanks. I don't think folks understand: Days 7-10=watch for Cytokine Storm. No lung studies or D-Dimer so far revealed to us. Concerned about heart as well after "healed." We will stay vigilant...Subbed.
