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Russia's actions and strategies that have contributed to its perceived successes or advantages in various situations. Please note that the situation may have evolved since then, and I recommend checking more recent and reliable sources for the latest developments.

Military and Geopolitical Strategy: Russia has historically emphasized a strong military and geopolitical strategy. This includes a focus on modernizing its armed forces, developing advanced weaponry, and maintaining a strong presence in strategically important regions. This approach has allowed Russia to assert influence and protect its interests on the global stage.

Hybrid Warfare Tactics: Russia has been known to employ hybrid warfare tactics, which combine conventional military operations with unconventional methods such as cyberattacks, information warfare, and support for proxy forces. These tactics can create confusion, disrupt communication, and weaken the adversary's response.

Regional Influence: Russia has maintained close ties with neighboring countries and former Soviet states, which has allowed it to exert significant influence in its immediate region. This influence can be used to shape political outcomes and advance its strategic goals.

Propaganda and Information Warfare: Russia has been accused of using propaganda and disinformation campaigns to shape public opinion both domestically and internationally. By manipulating information and sowing discord, Russia can undermine unity among its adversaries.

Economic Leverage: Russia is a major player in the global energy market, particularly as a significant exporter of oil and natural gas. This economic leverage provides the country with a tool to influence other nations' decisions and policies.

Adaptability and Resilience: Russia has a history of enduring challenging circumstances, including economic hardships and sanctions. This resilience has allowed the country to weather international pressures and continue pursuing its strategic objectives.

Assertive Foreign Policy: Russia's foreign policy often emphasizes protecting its perceived interests and challenging what it views as encroachments by other powers. This assertiveness can lead to gains in certain situations.

Strong Leadership: Leadership plays a crucial role in shaping a nation's strategies and policies. Russian leadership, under figures like Vladimir Putin, has been effective in advancing the country's objectives and maintaining domestic support.

It's important to note that the concept of "winning" in international relations is complex and multifaceted. Russia's perceived successes or advantages in specific situations may not necessarily reflect a comprehensive assessment of its overall position or the views of all parties involved.

For the most accurate and up-to-date understanding of Russia's current situation and actions, I recommend consulting recent and reliable news sources, analyses from geopolitical experts, and official statements from relevant authorities.
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