How to Read the Neoplasm Table for Medical Coding

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How to Read the Neoplasm Table for Medical Coding

Alicia: Q: Could you please explain how to read the Neoplasm Table?

A: This is so much fun. You are going to enjoy it. Now, I think Laureen was going to give me control here. I have actually a screen of the Neoplasm Table but first before I show you that I wanted to say that the Neoplasm Table is found in your ICD manual in the index. Some of them will have it located in the “N” section.

The thing that you want to know is that the Neoplasm Table is often in the index under “N.” It’s in the alphabetic index and then you have the tabular. Note that when you look up a code in the Neoplasm Table, you still need to go look it up in the tabular. Don’t be a lazy coder and just say, “Oh, there's my code. See 18.3,” and mind you these are ICD-10 codes that I've got up on the screen. The other thing is that I know my ICD-10 Elsevier Manual; they took the Neoplasm Table and the Table of Drugs and Chemicals and gave them their own spot after the index before the tabular. Again, there's no copyright on the ICD-10, depending on whose manual you use, which publisher, but it’s going to be somewhere close to the index

Let’s talk about, real quick, what we need to know when we’re looking at the Neoplasm Table. When we go to find a code in the Neoplasm Table, the first thing you need to know is the body part that you're dealing with. I went ahead and made a little note here. If we look up the intestine and we have, let’s say, the location is the intestine into the small intestine. You notice here it tells you this is under intestine. This is small intestine, but look, we have an indent. There’s more than one part of the small intestine. We have the ileum and we have the jejunum, and then there’s actually a code for overlapping lesions where it’s involved in more than one area.

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that was helpful but my problem is coding the no site stated like the C80.0, C80.1 and C79.9 any advice???


Duodenum is pronounced DU-WAW-DENIM with the accent on WAD.
