Grinding as Rodger IS TORTURE!!! | Dandy's World

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Roblox Dandy's World Gameplay

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Fun fact:rodger users are sometimes really good at the game and they tend to play the game just to get every character


Rodgers a slow walker, and his stamina is so quick to deplete, but when you run as rodger for those couple of seconds, HES FAST AS HELL. he just gets tired quickly ✨


From what I’ve seen and experienced, try to join mains. It might not always work, but Pebbles, Shellys, Vees, Astros and Sprouts will possibly live longer than floor 5

Edit: thanks for 15 likes yall. Here’s more tips!

If you want to explore more while doing machines, use Fin as your toon and the Alarm for one of your trinkets. This’ll help if you’re far away from the elevator.

If there’s a Teagan or Sprout on your team, leave tapes for them. Leave a third of the tapes for Teagan as she can’t heal others, and give half to sprout so they can give heals.
If you’re in a situation where you have both, might as well only pick up items.
Items give tapes.

If you have a Toodles and Rodger on the floor, Toodles may occasionally go to Rodger. Not really a tip. Just a fact.

If you have a slow character, stay away from:
Toodles Pebble Astro Vee Shelly
Sprout Goob Scraps Glisten
Brightney Etc

Slow Toons are characters with 2 or 1 Star speed or they could have 3, 2, 1 star stamina. Characters that stand out in this are Brightney, Rodger and Shrimpo (best toon)

I’ve started playing since the game was made, so yea. I’m totally a pro……..
I wasted Ichor on Astro. Why? Because I had his requirements.

Every run if you have a slow toon as previously shown for your character, when you get to 2 hearts, start doing less machines (or distracting, for some reason if you’re doing that), when you get to 1 heart, either don’t help and hide in a safe spot or do little bits of machines.

-epically asks for likes-
This barely took any time, only like 8 minutes, and if that’s long to you, then okay. Like if you want, I had fun while doing this, I’ll update it again soon!
Also I liked my comment because 15 likes wasn’t enough.

Next thing will be about twisteds and how avoid

All about style.

Edit: wow.
I was expecting 20 likes, not 30. I’ve never gotten so many. Thanks you guys.

It’s simple to avoid twisteds, if they’re pretty slow, just hide behind something and you’ll get away from them.
If they’re a twisted like Shrimpo, it’ll take time for them to lose interest in attacking you. Pebble is both fast and will attempt to attack you for a long time
(this is called attention span, something some people don’t have (not directed), just wanted to put this in)

Twisteds do multiple things;

When twisteds are wandering, they will go to point A to point B or Point C, you get it. They’ll take time to go to a new point after they reach there.
For an example, Twisted Tisha goes to Point B, it’ll take around 10 seconds for her to move as she needs to clean.
Flutter doesn’t wait though, impatient butterflies. Or it’s because she’s flying.

Chasing is just the twisted after a certain player around them, sometimes giving effects. Some twisteds give effects,
Vee and Astro give effects when chasing
(Shelly would be here but she gives confusion when wandering and chasing)

Just wandering, but a machine with a player who can’t do skill checks right becomes a point that nearby twisteds are forced to go to.
Vee can hear it from anywhere on the map, Astro depletes a third of the machine (if unfinished) and dandy will go to a machine after it’s finished.

Next goal will be like 40 likes, you guys got to 15 and 30 pretty quickly, 10 extra won’t be hard.

Edit: So we only have 37 likes, but I love doing this so I’m gonna just do it anyways


All rooms have something to lose twisteds around. Such as boxes or chairs or tables or *you get it*

The cyan walls and rainbow decorations indicate a room is a rainbow room. They can appear any floor. Usually small with 4-7 areas to lose twisteds.
After floor 5, you’ll get a forest room, at least, it looks like a forest. Medium sized maps. Green walls too, around 6 areas and huge space to run around.
After floor 10, warehouses will be
accessible. Grey and large.
After floor 15, Main Rooms can appear, Astro’s room is huge, one gap in the middle, and four sections like quadrants.
And there’s definitely more.
Rainbow rooms are probably most likely to appear 1-10, Forest rooms 5+, Warehouses 11+, And you get it now don’t you.

Replies have more info


Uhh im just gonna put all the uses of every item i know exists because its a pain seeing you suffer using the wrong items.😭 (no offence okay also my english might not be the best and warning i will yap a LOT)

Gumballs: Use them straight away theyre kind of useless because theyre RNG based.

Chocolate bar: Use it when youre getting chased because it gives you an extra 25 stamina and a 10% run boost.

Protein bar: Use it in the elevator or after you get chased to regain your stamina faster. Using it while running does NOT help you.

Pop: Great for when youre low on stamina or getting chased because it gives 45 stamina. Its great as combo with the Chocolate bar.

Speed candy: like pop and choco, its great to use when getting chased as it gives a 25% boost on both walk and run speed.

Stealth candy: Many people underestimate this item. It can be useful if you have to pass by a kiter/distractor. For example, youre Vee and you want to pass by Goob to get to a machine. This candy can help you from taking aggro from the twisteds and not disturb the kiting. It gives a 25% stealth boost.

Skill check candy: Use it for machines. Thats all I have to say. It gives a 25% chance for skillchecks

Airhorn: Use it to grab the twisteds attention. Best for kiters/distractors if someone accidentally takes aggro.

Alright im tired of typing might make a part 2 so till next time.

(Edit 1) Its been a few hours and uh Im gonna add a few more teehee :3

Stopwatch: Same situation use as skill check candy. Increases skill check window size by i dont remember-

Instructions: Another underestimated item. Great to use with shelly in you run. It basically makes you do machines faster.

Jumper cable: Adds an amount of completion to the machine. It can fully complete a machine if its around 60% completion. (im just guessing)

Bandage: Heals by ONE heart. Best to use if you are on 2 hearts for a regular toon. For mains its basically a medkit.

Bottle o' pop: Regenerates your ENTIRE stamina bar. This is great for when your being chased and youre very low on stamina. Overall one of the life saving items.

Health/med kit: Heals your ENTIRE health bar. In my opinion its not that great for mains because they have 2 hearts. For example, Your a normal toon with 1 heart and you use a health/med kit. It will make you full health again.

Box o' chocolates: Same as chocolate but times five.

Eject: Another one of the life saving items. Increases run and walk speed by 25 UNITS for 3 seconds. This is great for a quick getaway from pebble and other fast twisteds.

Smoke bomb: In my opinion this is a mid item. IN MY OPINION K? It loses the attention of ONE twisted so thats why i put it as mid. The develepors might fix it, I dont know. But i didnt put it as bad ass it can help give you 3 seconds to run away from pebble or other fast twisteds.

Valve: Completes a machine INSTANTLY. This is great for machines in corners and risky spots. It basically has the same use as veemote but you can use it even after 50% of the machines are done in a floor.

I will try make a part 3 when more items release dont worry! :D

(Edit 3) I left one out lol

Enigma candy: Its just a better gumball. Nothing much to say.

Welp finally finished lol


Tips when using Rodger :

- Since Rodger is literally one of the slowest toons, i suggest using trinkets that increases your speed, like Dog Plush (Toodles Trinket), Speed Shoes, or Pink Bow (Poppy's Trinket).

-If your trying to get a main character toon, I suggest going to runs that say "ABC for Dandy Run" or "Xyz for Main Run" since most of them usually are full groups. If you can't find any start one yourself (you can do numbers too).

- If you survive with a good group, you can make it to a high floor. Being on 5+ floors make the main percentage increase. No mains spawn in floors 1-4, if you see someone say whatever main spawned in floors 1-4, it's a lie.

Extra tips :
- I suggest getting the magnifying glass trinket (AKA Rodger's Trinket), because this would be useful for slow extracting toons like Tisha or Goob. The only problem is that the skill check window decreases by 33%.

- If you're getting a toon with a horrible extraction speed/bad skill check, I suggest getting Vee's trinket which is Vee's Remote or Veemote because it make a machine immediately finish once per floor, the two bad-sides is that it decreases extraction speed by 50% and it can't be used after half of the machines finished. Usually used by Vee, Pebble, Astro, Cosmo, and Glisten users, sometimes used by Goob and Flutter, you can use it for any other toon but I suggest using it to the ones listed above.

-The trinkets most pros use are : Participation Award (Shelly's Trinket), Veemote (Vee's Trinket), Magnifying Glass (Rodger's Trinket), Dog Plush (Toodles' Trinket), Pink Bow (Poppy's Trinket) and Speed Shoes (From Dandy's Shop). The reason peiple use these is because their very useful gameplay wise and better than any other trinket.

- Speaking of Participation Award. Usually used by extractors, they're used because it increases the chance of a skill check appearing. You'd commonly see Shelly's using this trinket, sometimes Vee but her pairs are usually Veemote and Dogplush (she's as slow as Rodger).

- If you still don't understand, Skill Check Candy or Participation Award INCREASES THE CHANCE of a skill check appearing. While Thinking Cap INCREASES THE WINDOW of a skill check.


Rodger is actually a pretty good toon if you’re grinding ! But Nenaa what was this laugh 😂 0:45


Twisted glisten backstory/fun fact (not sure if real): Since you need to stay near glisten for him to not attack you, he might just be trapped on the floor all alone until the players came. His hit animation seems like he hurt the players by mistake. He might just want friends..


Fun fact: playing as rodger can give you 100% research on a twisted if you encounter them 8 times!
being chased normally gives you 5 research, but rodger gives you 10!
and research capsules give you 2 instead of 1!
this means, if you encouter AND pick up there 2 research capsules you can get 14 research by each incounter! this is how i got glisten :D

my build for rodger was: twisted rodgers trinket, and twisted toodles trinket! so you can grind for their trinkets on the side :)


Nenaa's hair, jewelry, & hair clips looked pretty! I hadn't seen anyone else do a Roger run & it was interesting to learn about his perks as a character (the fact that Roger is canonically a detective character is interesting lorewise). Also, RIP bodyguard Tissa & awesome Dandy run ending. Very fun playthroughs & in-game reactions!


Neena liked my last story, so I'm gonna write a remake, about how the community of THE NEENA NATION manifested a celebration she would never forget! I love this one. and by the way, congratulations Neena so much on 2 million subscribers! You deserve it, and therefore in doing so, deserve this! 😉 -

*In the illustrious realm of the Neena Nation, where creativity reigned supreme and the power of connection was celebrated above all else, a momentous milestone loomed on the horizon: reaching 2 million subscribers. This community, bound by a shared passion for content creation, had flourished under the guidance of their revered Queen, ForeverNeena. Her stoic presence atop her digital throne often left her loyal subjects yearning for a glimpse of her unguarded joy, a fleeting moment where she might break into a smile or, even better, celebrate alongside them. The citizens of the Neena Nation believed that if they could coax the Queen into sharing in this grand achievement, her happiness would inspire an even greater wave of creativity and unity throughout the kingdom. They envisioned a celebration so magnificent that it would forever be etched into the annals of the Neena Nation’s history, a celebration that would ripple through the community, leaving no subscriber untouched by its brilliance. And so, with hearts full of determination, the people of the Neena Nation embarked on a quest like no other—to devise the most captivating content imaginable, content that would entice their Queen to step down from her throne and join them in celebrating this extraordinary milestone. They organized a grand event, known as The Subscriber Jubilee, a spectacle designed to showcase the finest contributions from every corner of the community, all crafted with one singular purpose in mind: to see ForeverNeena smile. Months before The Subscriber Jubilee, the citizens began preparations for the grand event. The digital streets of the Neena Nation were adorned with vibrant banners and glittering streamers, fluttering in the gentle virtual breeze. Creators, fueled by the excitement of the upcoming celebration, worked tirelessly, producing videos, artworks, and stories that reflected the very essence of the Neena Nation. The Neena Nation buzzed with anticipation as the Jubilee approached, with content creators from all corners of the realm flocking to showcase their talents. Musicians filled the air with uplifting tunes, animators brought vibrant characters to life, and writers crafted stories that resonated deeply with the community. On the day of the Jubilee, the excitement was palpable as citizens gathered in virtual town squares, eagerly awaiting the moment their Queen might finally reveal her joy. As the live stream began, ForeverNeena’s composed and curious face appeared, and the crowd watched with bated breath, hoping to see her unguarded joy at last. All eyes were on the main screen, where the centerpiece of the event—the live stream featuring ForeverNeena—was about to begin. As the live stream started, the familiar face of ForeverNeena appeared on the screen. Her expression was a mix of curiosity and composure, her gaze steady as she surveyed the virtual kingdom before her. The subscribers watched with bated breath, their hearts pounding with anticipation as the first creations were unveiled. Would today be the day they would finally see their Queen’s unguarded joy? The festival began with a parade of content, each creator showcasing their unique style and flair. From heartfelt thank-you videos to elaborate montages of past highlights, every genre was represented as contributors displayed their work with pride. Each video was met with a chorus of cheers and applause from the virtual crowd, the chatrooms exploding with enthusiasm as subscribers celebrated the creativity and talent on display. Yet, despite the mesmerizing presentations, ForeverNeena remained composed, her expression unchanged. The citizens watched with a mixture of disappointment and determination, refusing to let their spirits be dampened by the Queen’s reserved demeanor. They knew that this was just the beginning, and they were prepared to pull out all the stops to see her smile. As the day wore on, the Jubilee continued, with each new piece of content more ambitious and inventive than the last. There were collaborations between top creators, where animation, music, and storytelling melded together in a seamless dance of creativity. Fans flooded the chat with messages of support, their words flying across the screen like a flurry of confetti. Artists unveiled colorful tributes depicting scenes of joy and celebration, their vibrant strokes capturing the very essence of the Neena Nation. But still, the Queen remained calm, her gaze fixed ahead with unwavering resolve. The citizens could sense her appreciation, but the smile they longed to see remained elusive. The chatroom buzzed with speculation—what would it take to finally break through that composed exterior and elicit a reaction from their beloved ruler? Then came the first twist of the event—a surprise guest appearance from a legendary content creator, someone who had long been rumored to be a fan of ForeverNeena’s work. The chatroom exploded with excitement as the guest appeared on screen, delivering a heartfelt message of congratulations to the Neena Nation. The community was thrilled, but all eyes were still on ForeverNeena, hoping that this unexpected appearance would finally bring about the reaction they had been waiting for. But once again, the Queen remained composed, her expression unchanged. The citizens watched with a mixture of admiration and frustration, their determination only growing stronger as the day progressed. They were not about to give up—not when they were so close to reaching their goal. As the sun began to set on the virtual horizon, a sense of urgency filled the air. The citizens of the Neena Nation rallied together, determined to find a way to make their Queen smile. Drawing inspiration from their diverse creative backgrounds, they began to craft a symphony of content that blended seamlessly together, creating a mesmerizing tapestry of videos, stories, and artwork that transcended genres and platforms. The final act of the Jubilee was set to be the most ambitious project of all—a collaborative video known as The Neena Nation Chronicles. This project was a labor of love, a compilation of the community’s most cherished memories, blending heartfelt moments with humorous anecdotes and showcasing the evolution of the channel. Every contributor poured their heart and soul into this creation, determined to capture the very essence of the Neena Nation and present it in a way that would resonate deeply with their Queen. The chatroom fell silent as The Neena Nation Chronicles began to play. The screen was filled with a whirlwind of emotions, as scenes of laughter, triumph, and camaraderie flashed before the viewers’ eyes. The music swelled with emotion, perfectly complementing the visuals, and the voiceovers from various creators echoed through the digital landscape, their words filled with love and admiration for the community they had built together. The montage was a journey through time, chronicling the growth of the Neena Nation from its humble beginnings to the thriving community it had become. There were moments of triumph, where subscribers came together to support one another through difficult times, and moments of pure joy, where the shared love for content creation brought everyone closer together. The video was a testament to the power of community, a celebration of the connections that had been forged through a shared passion. As the montage neared its climax, the music swelled to a crescendo, and the final scene played—a compilation of heartfelt messages from subscribers all around the world, expressing their gratitude to ForeverNeena for creating a space where they could all come together. The screen was filled with smiling faces, each one representing a member of the Neena Nation, and the messages poured in, one after another, their words filled with warmth and appreciation. In that moment, something changed. The camera zoomed in on ForeverNeena’s face, capturing the subtle shift in her expression, as a lone tear trickled down her face. The chatroom exploded with excitement as the Queen’s lips began to curl into a smile, her face lighting up with genuine joy. The viewers watched in awe as the smile grew wider, until it was impossible to deny—ForeverNeena was truly, undeniably happy. And then, the final twist—a surprise announcement from ForeverNeena herself. With a voice filled with emotion, she thanked her subscribers for their unwavering support, announcing that not only had they reached 2 million subscribers, but they had also surpassed it, reaching 2.5 million during the Jubilee! The chatroom erupted into cheers and celebrations, the excitement palpable as the community reveled in their shared achievement. With utmost cries and cheers of joy, the once reserved and composed ForeverNeena rose from her throne, her movements graceful and fluid as she joined her subscribers in celebrating their shared success. Together, they laughed and reminisced in perfect harmony, celebrating the joy of creativity and connection. And so, in the Neena Nation, it was not the sophisticated edits or elaborate projects that succeeded in making their Queen smile. It was the heartfelt expression of unity and creativity that touched her soul, proving that the power of community could bring even the most steadfast creator to share in the joy.*


7:15 her singing Suffering made me laughing on the floor


Yayyy more dandys world by nenaa

I love your content


Tip: for rodger i personaly don't think that blue bandana is the best maybe u sould try to get the plushie from twisted toodles bc that gives u 10% more walk speed

Love u nenaa ❤❤❤


Fun fact that's not so fun: 4:18 when she said that glisten is stuck between he actually is and since he cant control the other half of himself he tied his hands with his bow


as someone who is a Rodger using him to grind.
I feel your pain Nenaa




7:15 her singing suffering from EPIC the musical made my day 😊


Game suggestion (pressure) a Roblox horror game it’s fun but hard you don’t have to play it if you don’t want to I’m not pushing you to.😊(I love your content)




Did not expect you to start singing epic songs😂😂😂 love it tho
