Lesson 1 - Come out of the box - The Pioneer School

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Come out of the the box. Much of what we do today is because of our church history. It is important to understand this in order to take our glasses of, which hinder us in reading the Word of God clearly. This is an important lesson as Torben will come back to this again and again during The Pioneer School.

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I´d like to give a sugestion : To pray, every day, for Torben, his family and this Ministry, so that nothing stops then to spread this truths around the world !


March 2020 found this course of study after receiving prophecy and being led here. Gods Holy Spirit is calling many many people right now and I'm truly thankful to Him that I am one of his family members. It's time to bear fruit for His kingdom!


It seems like all we do in the church system, as we know it, is talk about what God did and what He is going to do, not going out and doing what He called us to do! I like this teaching! This is truth!


I ordered this series on a flash drive.. and want to invite all my neighbors over for free dinner and Christian video teaching. Please pray for me that I can do this. I want all my neighbors to be saved.


I love to hear the pioneer school again and again and again brother Torben God bless you


Thank you Torben for helping the church get out of the Box... out of religion... out of pomp and ceremony... out of cold rituals. Thank you!


Be encouraged Torben. I bring you great news. The pioneer school has reached China. My friend there is a local pastor and he is very excited to go through the pioneer school.


I'm so grateful to God for connecting me to a total stranger who introduced me to this channel just yesterday, I'm super grateful. It's what I've needed for years, I haven't been able to fit in the box, I've had questions, haven't been able to find a church to join because I'm tired of just sitting. Thank you Lord and please protect your minister and his family Lord, amen!


I was told that baptism wasn't complete emersion but its also being "bathed" when hearing someone read the Word. Of course I believed it as I had just gotten woken up by God. But one day in July I had a dream that Jesus asked me to do Him a favor. "Hey Audrey, can you do me a favor?" I said "of course, and thing!" He then said "I need you to get baptized" I was surprised because that was something I wasn't thinking about, nor looking to do. And how the dream started was a normal dream but then quickly became a visit from Jesus. I will NEVER forget that night. The next day(past evening) as I was going home from class I told Him "Jesus, I don't even know where to start. Would you help me?". I had day time class the next day and as I was going home I hear Christian music playing at the gate off campus. I ran so fast to that Pastor and told him my dream and his mouth dropped 😲"Audrey, I wasn't suppose to be at this campus, but the branch in Queens(NYC) didn't work out so I came here, and we are one week in to our baptism class, ending with a group baptism", I was Baptized on the 27th of July 2017.


I knew God had called me out for some reason. I knew when I received the gift of the Holy Spirit God was going to do something with me. Now after seeing this video I see that God has called me to help bring His Church back to the book of Acts. I have seen the traditions the Church has created. I always felt that there was no intimate connection. I always felt that people were not intimate with one another about God. No one came to each others houses to talk about God like in the book of Acts. Now my eyes have been opened. I see what God has called me to!


The religious leaders killed so many Christian's, for following Christ, that they were forced to worship underground, and in hiding.
This video brought home to me that Satan has kept us in the church's, and off the streets, where we should be witnessing. ..this man speaks the truth.
How many of us keep Christ off the streets and in the church....I am guilty.


Dude! This is so strong. I think i will read and finish the book of Acts today itself! THIS IS THE TRUE AWAKENING!


Dear Pioneer brother, I want to fill your heart with joy letting you know that in washington dc, Boston and many small groups in different cities of United States and South America God is moving the church in the same direction as the church in Acts, holding the same truth you have about the history of religion, we are on the streets preaching the gospel but admit that we are learning from what God speaks thru you, very encouraging, your testimony confirms that the kingdom of God it's in us and that he is coming soon and want's a church without blemish, a simple church not a corporate worship system. God bless you!


Amen, brother Torben. That is exactly how God led me in my life. I also come out of the Lutheran Church but got saved supernaturally as a 12 year old child. I repeatedly wanted to go to Bible School to study theology but God blocked me each time. At first I was so confused why God did not want to use me. He opened the way for me just to study Greek and Hebrew to read His Word in the original languages and from there He taught me His Truth based only on the Word of God. Wow, how that set me free and I can completely relate to what you have shared in this video. God taught me about healing the sick, casting out demons, water baptism and Holy Spirit baptism as I walked with Him. Life with Him is fresh every day, sharing the gospel is my daily experience and communion with believers not bound by church boundaries and traditions is a precious and wonderful way of being part of God´s family!


I feel so dry in my church. I want to do something great for God, but I feel like paralyzed. There is no one to follow and I had no idea how to make disciples.
Thank you for your wonderful training!


When I read the comments section in YouTube I am struck by all the different issues that people associate with the message they got out of the video. We all seem to have our "pet" issues.For the Sabbath Keepers its what day we worship. For the Catholic, its what source of authority we listen to. For the "Jesus name folks" its what words are spoken over you when you get water baptized.For the Church of Christ (amer) its how you conduct worship services (sans music). For each of us, there is a grid or a system that we relate to.Everybody says that by following their steps, you can know God better, you can be happier, you can...(insert claim here).
No matter what church you are part of, there are pros and cons.Everybody has their grid and nobody has a monopoly on the truth.Truth is a person and if you seek that person (Jesus) with all your heart and mind and soul, then you can know God through Him.If you have seen Jesus, you have seen God.He is what God is like.The early church had a method, and a practice. Each city the believers were in, had a slightly different flavor or style to how they operated.
What Torben is doing is, in my opinion, an incredible blessing to the Western World-View church.He is careful not to denigrate organizations while at the same time he has been honest concerning their drawbacks.
Here is a point that I believe should be made: each of us that have a pet issue, should sincerely examine something.The "Truth" that we believe, what is its fruit? Torben has been bearing fruit.Unlike so many of us who are so sure about our Theology and our Eschatology and our Soteriology.We think we have it right, but when you look for fruit, we are barren.We don't live the book of Acts life.We still live our isolated, online lives and we barely seek out others.This is why we are depressed, and why we are privately cycling through despair and zeal. In all our correct beliefs, we have missed something very basic.(Torben) He may or may not not be 100% perfect in every point of the governmental structure in the NT letters, However, he is actually doing what Jesus said do and it has born fruit.This thing he is doing is working, growing, and making disciples.
We will know the Tree by its fruit.Up until now, my fruit has been very small and few.Torben provokes me in this matter.And all my theology and knowledge has not done what he is doing in the world. Seeing people set free. So for all of us (Me included) who are wondering about this Last Reformation thing...I look at my fruit and I look at his....Whatever has given him this fruit, i want that. Cause my correct knowledge has not given me the joy or peace or fruit I see here.Jesus I want to know you like this.And i don't care if all the bullet points line all the way up. As long as Torben believes that you came in the flesh, that you died for our sins, that you rose again, and that you are coming back in the flesh to this world. If Torben truly loves you with all his heart (I believe he does, since so far, I see an absence of building a personal kingdom) then there is something good to be learned here.Jesus is using him and i pray that it continues and will impact me personally as well as the whole church world more and more.


Thank you Torben you are changing many life, you certainly have changed my life too with your teaching i am new in Christianity with Muslim back ground, i just came back from PTS Danmark i Love it, i really recommend it to every Christianity new born and been Christian for a while, for the first time i learn how to listen to Voice of God, i learn to change my attitude towards others, i learn to Baptize new Christian, i learn how to speak in tongue, i learn how to pray . I learn to be humble before God, i learn not to judge, and much more, the team were amazing and all Danish people Thank you Jesus for you are using Torben in amazing . Thank you Lord Jesus, Thank you Father God , God bless you Torben


Thank you, thank you Lord, finally someone is standing and bringing forth the truth, may all who hear follow and never look back in the name of Jesus.


Dear Torben ! We've been listening to your first 2 video's & think that you are going over much what we have found ourselves! We have found it difficult throughout our Christian life to "fit" into any of the boxes you've mentioned! We are now 75 & 80 yrs old. Living in a "spiritual" desert in France. Having been "excluded" out of a (so called) "Full Gospel" church, because we've baptised 2 French we had the joy of leading to Jesus. (In their little swimming pool in the garden....so, we're out off a total dictatorial system, who "says" they believe in the "priesthood of ALL believers"....we now just meet with our 2 friends, who do not like to be fitted into a box, having left the Catholic one ages ago....we have had more than 30 yrs of "experience" of meeting in a free way in Cambridge UK, (no programs!) where we baptised in the river Cam &saw at times how folk were set free of demonic powers & baptised in the Spirit simultaneously! We have not prayed over folks like you're "offering for healing"in the street, but have had great times holding "open air"meetings, which we miss terribly over here! We are always on the "look out" for people the Father is drawing, (during sessions in the gym, shopping & even joining "zumbah" lessons!) We believe in the church being built w "living stones" where each càn use the ministry the Lord gives to each. The gift of healing we've alwys seen as given to such a church, otherwise, by faith for each who believes! Wished we could meet & see how you start the "initial" contact with folk, bec it's different for in Jesus to you!


I too went into the wilderness and had my eyes opened wide to this truth. It’s refreshing to listen to Torbin as he is confirming everything I’ve been saying about the false vs the real deal.
