Theology Thursday: Holy Spirit by Jesus Culture

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"Holy Spirit" by Jesus Culture is #4 in CCLI's top 100 worship songs. So clearly a TON of us are singing it... but should we be? What is the song's theology of the Holy Spirit? In this video we examine 5 things Jesus says the Holy Spirit does, and compare those to the kinds of things the song asks Him to do.
3 Minute Theology 1.8: Who is the Holy Spirit?
The Theology of the Holy Spirit Explained and Defended
Understand How the Holy Spirit Works in the Bible
How to Understand the Holy Spirit (N. T. Wright Q&A)
What Are the Signs of the Holy Spirit? - Bishop Barron's Sunday Sermon
Who is the Holy Spirit?
Walking in the Holy Spirit – Dr. Charles Stanley
Spiritual Theology Series: Fruits of the Holy Spirit ~ Fr Ripperger
Understanding the Holy Spirit - Explaining the Faith
Understanding the Holy Spirit
Spiritual Theology Series: Gifts of the Holy Spirit ~ Fr Ripperger
What's the difference between your conscience and the Holy Spirit?
The Baptism with the Holy Spirit Explained in 30 Seconds #Shorts
God the Holy Spirit – Our Helper – Dr. Charles Stanley
The Openly Demonic Culture: Are You Aware? #jesus #bible #holyspirit #christianity #god
The Holy Spirit Can Show You the Future
The Holy Spirit Looks for THIS #Shorts
Be the Holy Spirit’s Friend 🕊 #Shorts
Where was the Holy Spirit before Jesus?
What Is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?
Understanding the Holy Spirit: The Mystery of the Trinity!
Unveiling the Holy Trinity: A Simple Explanation of the Triune Nature of God - Mari Mar Emmanuel
3 Keys to Hearing the Voice of the Holy Spirit | 30 Second Theology #Shorts
Are you heeding the Holy Spirit and being guided toward God's will? #shorts