GUITAR TIP: Restringing a classical guitar

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My tips and tricks for changing the strings on a classical guitar. I'll cover the tools you need, my preferred strings, knot methods, tuning and more.

Piece played at beginning and end of video: Villa-Lobos Prelude No. 1
Synthetic gut strings: Aquila Alabastro low tension


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Those talking while playing intros are such a flex. I love it.


In high school I went through a phase where I was recording using Nashville tuning. For those unfamiliar, that's when you record a part twice with two sets of strings so that you get a kind of 12-string guitar effect. The first recording is done with normal guitar strings. For the second recording, though, you swap your strings with what would be the higher octave set from a 12-string guitar.

In an effort to save money, I would often repurpose my strings. To that end, I never cut the tails off. You can't make nice little loops like this with steel strings, but I would sort of bend them around so that they laid flat in between the tuner posts. It was quite the conversation starter.

Anyway, good video. I like your tip about melting the end of the unwound strings to make a stop. And you said it, Brandon. if you have a guitar, there's no reason to take it to a shop for a restring. That's like going to the doctor to change your pants.


A man threatening classical guitar students with a lighter (2021, colourised)


that intro was smooth man gotta be honest


Funny story, when I first learned to play guitar, I started for a few months on an old nylon-string guitar. I changed the strings, figuring out how to copy the knot arrangement at the bridge from the existing strings. But the string set I used actually had ball ends, which I didn’t know what they were for. So I strung the balls through at the tuners, thinking it was so you didn’t have to tie them off up there! (I was a budding young Ned Steinberger.)


I'm definitely in the "fancy loop" camp for the excess string at the head stock. Ive been able to salvage a string more than a few times. And honestly, I like the aesthetic.


On a very few occasions, as I put on the A string and tuned it all the way to A, it broke at the saddle. So lessons learned, I change my guitar strings one at a time. Also, I tune the new string about a note below. For example, I tune the A string to a G. Then, let it rest over night before I tune it to an A. I have had good luck with that.


So glad I remembered watching this video earlier so that I could find it again when I needed it. I've never had a guitar before, and the D string on my two-month-old guitar broke. I was able to replace the string with no trouble, thanks to the video. Yay! Thanks, Brandon!


Aaah my latest classical guitar was double holes on the bridge and oh man do I love it. Also knew all of these things as most guitarists after a few years but its just so relaxing to watch your videos so of course ill sit through it anyway! However, I don't agree with starting with the low string since the non-wounded strings take longer to settle so if you start with the highest ones they will stay in tune sooner. If you start on the highest and tune it to E again when you've stringed the B string and then retune E and B when u get to the G and so on it will almost stay in tune when your finished!


Instead of cutting or making the loop with the knot in the headstock you can also roll the string completely in the headstock, it might take a few more seconds but it will have more friction to prevent any slip, you will have extra string and looks more clean.


Dearest Sir, it just so happens, that I managed to fix the A string of my gut / silk set 2 times, using your trick. thanks a lot.


Great help. Thank you. If I may make one point—I, personally, like to change all strings at once as it gives an opportunity to give the face of the neck and body a good cleaning.


Just changed my strings for the first time today using this vid. Very satisfying when it started looking familiar after i tied the end to the bridge.


This dude has the best smile on YouTube.


The 12-hole bridge does increase the break angle over the saddle a little bit, so you have a little (a little) more tension on the string.


Keep those old strings. They make wonderful candle wicks for dark cult meetings.


The only thing that I’ve learned is that, I’m been pulling the living crap out of the bass strings . I’ve already wondered why it sounded dull . Treating these nylons strings like electric guitar strings. Thanks for the tip !! Keep them coming!!


the most entertaining re-stringing of a guitar i've ever seen! :D


Oh my god, please release a version of that Villa-lobos prelude. One of my favorite pieces of all time. (alright, back to the video)