SML - The Lance Problem

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Could Lance be the biggest problem with modern SML?
Also, I found out after publishing this video that someone else made a video about Lance and published it a little while before this video. Their video is a bit more of a general look at Lance as a whole. Please check out the video if you want.
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For those who have been mentioning it, yes, I have watched a few of Lance's vlogs. Part of the deal is I can tell that Lance makes a good portion of the jokes for his characters. Logan does laugh at quite a few of them. But it's clear that Lance is the one who makes the majority of the repetitive jokes for his characters. This is kinda on Logan to stop him from doing this, but whether because Logan thinks they're funny, or because he doesn't want to say anything, the dumb jokes continue.
Maybe Chris should direct and give ideas for videos. He's actually funny and can usually play with whatever he's given.
(And yes, I know Lance has suggested Woody videos to Logan. Logan says those don't get views, which kinda sucks. Again, Lance's problem is mainly how he uses his characters. Trust me, give Woody a few videos close together where it's pretty much only him that Lance is playing, and Lance will run those jokes into the ground too.)
The Lance rule:
The more characters Lance plays in a given video, and the greater the frequency of multiple character appearances and scenes, the less likely it will be for a joke to be run into the ground.


the thing with lance is its kinda sad since hes the best voice actor in terms of voices. some characters you cant even tell that their playied by him. jackie chu and black yoshi sound miles different from jeffy and goodman. he just needs to be funnier. and then everything will be good


I think the problem with modern SML is just


There are very few videos that take place outside of the house, plus most of the camera angles are just
Couch space, Character, couch space, character couch space
Wall, Character, Door, Character.
It all seems like a 2 dimensional plane.
Old videos used to go all over the place and have a variety of locations, even if it’s just in the house.
Old SML had to be creative
And now it’s just ... formulaic, and not in a good way.


I can't blame Chris for only appearing in FaceTime calls. There's literally a pandemic going on.
But at least Chris came back in a recent video.


He’s talented but the talent goes to the worst SML character


Mario is basically Kermit, he is supposed to play off of others and make funny interactions, the difference is that Kermit can actually be good on his own


It’s more Logan as a director, I don’t think lance is at fault


The problem with lance is that he makes jokes and repeats them for months or longer like the jeffy pp joke


hate to be that person, but it’s been stated multiple times that chris can’t film due to his parents health issues and the concern about them catching the virus.


Lance need to do what tfs does, where they have running gags but they do it right.

Lance can reference really old video on say a funny phrase what is very specific to a situation that happenes like twice


Yea, Chris is really the greatest actor and I hope he'll come back.

Lance is pretty great, he's a good actor but Chris's characters were the best.


I never realized how much pooby affects the videos until he got pretty much removed for a couple months


I cant even watch lances vlog anymore, this problem carries over there too


Sad thing is that Lance will most likely repeat his jokes even more because of this video.


I can fully understand why Chris doesn’t want to risk filming videos. His family is what matters most. Even if the quality has tanked, we can still ensure that he will be back in future videos.


I don’t understand how people can watch Lance’s vlogs without cringing and clicking off


IMO, This all connects back Logan. Sure,
Lance is somewhat to blame, but you have to realized that Logan is a director, he plans out what characters he want to use, so he could easily just not use jeffy,
Like at all. So this just really Logan's fault. Chris is quarinted, so dont expect to come back for a while.


I really want to see Logan try at least ONCE to tell Lance that maybe he needs to not do something with his characters. I know that Lance should still have control over his characters as much as possible, but at this point I feel that if Logan wants to improve the improv on the channel, he NEEDS to have some control over Lance before things get out of hand.


We really need Chris back, even if he has to do it through FaceTime or zoom meetings


i agree chris is the best he seems like a nice guy to talk to and he seems really respectful if i would meet chris i would say hello
