SCFD: Lithium Battery Fire Destroys Solid Waste Fleet Vehicle

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LITHIUM-ION BATTERY FIRE 🔋🔥: Last month, a fire caused by lithium-ion batteries overheating destroyed four Solid Waste trailers at the Seminole County Central Transfer Station. No one was hurt, but all four trailers were removed from Solid Waste service and will cost $468,000 to replace.
Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, like those found in cell phones and electronics, are extremely flammable and should NOT be thrown out in regular household trash. Regular alkaline batteries (AAA, etc.) are OK in the trash.

If you need to dispose of a rechargeable battery, bring it to Household Hazardous Waste at the Central Transfer Station for free and safe disposal. Many retailers, like hardware and electronics stores, accept them as well.

- 1950 SR-419, Longwood
- Open Monday-Saturday, 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
- Also accepted: chemicals, paints, electronics, tires, and recyclables
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Ffs recall phones blowing up green new deal so wrap it ina bag no static short lol


Education will not stop these dangerous bomb batteries from injuring people and damaging property. They should be returned to the makers and damages claimed. We had deaths from asbestos and many people have been damaged even before it was known that asbestos was dangerous - now we know and it is illegal, why do we not apply the same logic to these dangerous batteries? As far as education goes most people know they are dangerous fire hazards so where are the new laws preventing the import of such devices into the country and into our homes?
