Fall of the 13th Sign: History of the Zodiac

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Thirteen signs till the Dragon fell...twelve were left to tell the tale.

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Thank you Jason. I’ve studied astrology for the last 20 years and done many birth charts for all kinds of people - based on Tropical, and totally floored with how accurate they can be when you input birth times to incorporate all of the “planets” and how they speak to each other, into the mix. I’ve theorised for years that, because there are no planets, as such, that astrology is a programme inserted into the matrix. It’s too mathematically correct to be anything other than a program. The time and day we are born is all a choice - in my opinion. It can all be timed from the over-souls perspective so that we arrive exactly when we’re supposed to. To my mind, you Jason were always meant to be who you are. You came here with this, your purpose, to bring this knowledge to those willing and eager to “remember” who and what we are. Being in prison all those years meant time for research, with all of the access to the books you would never have otherwise had. It couldn’t and wouldn’t have happened any other way. My life has never been the same since I found you and your work, and I’m so immensely grateful for your dedication, time and patience with, and to all of us. Thank you ❤


13 months of 28 days.
1 April
2 May
3 June
4 Sol
5 Quintilis
6 Sextilis
7 September
8 October
9 November
10 December
11 January
12 February
13 March
Spring equinox, March 17th
Summer solstice, Sol 1st
Autumn equinox, September 11th


The fact that Disaster means evil star is very telling.
Interesting presentation Jason, I knew that the 13th sign was a dragon, but never really followed up on why it was dumped. This makes perfect sense. Irregardless of its origin, the zodiac and its astrological patterns have always been accurate in my opinion, I don’t know why it works, it just does. I don’t know what was behind these cosmic blue prints of symbology and archetypes-but the knowledge is still fascinating. That’s why you do manifest accurately as a Gemini, with all that writing, talking and thinking going on❤ Thank you for this.


Jason I am an avid student of the knowledge you bring and you’ve brought me such incredible peace. I just wanted to say thank you and I know our Creator will have a white robe for you when the simulacrum ends.
I saw your podcast with Jay Campbell and he mentioned the research of the late Gerald Clark. I was a friend of his and I wish you both could’ve connected while he was here. Incredible humans you both are!


I just started watching your work about 2 weeks ago and have covered well over 40 hours so far. I'm so grateful for the effort you've put into your passion and how you share it. I'm new to Archaix but feel the kindred spirit of you and fellow listeners. Thank you Jason! May all know peace.


I am in London, Ontario, Canada, where I have collected stone-age trash and body parts. I found a stone phalace, fully erect, suggesting that the fossil formed instantly. I found a horse heart with an elaborate implant device of 4 pumps that appear to increase the pulse. My 1st, 3rd, and 5th shoe all feature the same brand logo. Wide flat top triangle over the toes, just in front of the jingle bell, on a baby left foot shoe, featuring 2 repairs on the worn cobled soul. My other 2 shoes of this brand have the logo on the tongue. I have 14 premium stone shoes with hints of rust, where the shoe tacks turned to stone. My collection is 10000 stones, if you ever want to see some pictures.


Thanks for another knowledge bomb, Jason!
On the morning of November 6, I photographed an exploding bolide over Oklahoma and Texas. From my position it appeared near Orion and the Pleiades. It was reported by 5 other observers to the American Meteor Society.


While tropical has had its place, you can't truly understand astrology unless you use the ACTUAL stars in the sky. True sidereal (constellational) 13 sign astrology connects each of our births to the sky itself. Tropical is a simplified system, because "12" is a nice, easy number. But it doesn't take into account precession of the equinox and the stars as they appear in the sky. There are 13 constellations that cross the ecliptic - Ophiuchus (O-Phew'-kus) and they are not of equal size. Tropical blends Ophiuchus and Scorpio into one sign, but they are indeed separate constellations. Thank you Jason for bringing this to light. I am a true sidereal (constellational) astrologer and have found the accuracy of using the constellations as they are more resonate with the birth of my clients (and for my own chart).


Wow!!!! This is amazing stuff i just recently sent you a email about this! Thanks ive been learning more in the last few weeks then i have my whole childhood. Thank You Sir may success and knowledge keep coming your way. Your taking upon a great deal of sevice to the people, im one who is grateful to the highest degree


Chicken Little (2005)

"Young Chicken Little (Zach Braff) throws his small town into panic by claiming the sky is falling. Unable to find the piece of "sky" that hit him, he earns the town's scorn. A year later, outcast Little tries to redeem himself by joining the baseball team, helping to win a crucial game. Later that night he is hit on the head again and discovers that the "falling sky" is actually from a UFO. Now, Little must convince the skeptical town that an alien invasion is about to happen."


❤❤❤Nice to see you back in your quaint office. Its very familiar to me now after zoomng in on its detail to design it! 🧐 Yesterday, your Q&A with Matthew: That video is the FIRST time, you finally entertained the ACRONYM for an NPC (that I am aware of and Ive listened to all your videos several times over). In the ARCHAIX glossory it reads: "NPC : optical/audial coded distractions introduced by Archons in proximity to errants." (the definition is a bit vauge, difficult to comprehend, in my humble opinion). Because you use the term NPC constantly, it has been tearing my nerves up trying to figure out the origin of NPC and what it stands for. NONE PLAYER CHARICTERS, I see!! I was close on my assumption (none participating construct)🤪
I think it may be very helpful for beginners to understand the ACRONYM, Jas. A lot of new people ask you, what NPCs are. To know what it stands alone, for may clarify a lot of perplexity.
Please do another deep dive video on the Seven Seals, and Revelations as you STOPPED on the 6th trumpit, LollyPop!! 😳😳😳On the edge of my seat now…thanks to YOU. 🤔..not that I'm concerned about being here for it. Just curious. 🧐 Thank you always. Sending BIG LOVE from Japan.❤❤❤


Crazy good job Jason. You’re a great researcher. I Knew about the Turtle and the 13 zodiac. But didn’t know it was pre-cataclysm zodiac.
I’d also add that it was Matriarchal with 13 months, 28 days after a woman’s monthly cycle.


My scientist sister in law always peeks at turtles shells for dates to record... some are so old it's just so cool! 🐢 💕
Awesome episode!


Unparalleled deductive reasoning and dot connection. No one comes close to You Brother. Thank You





True sidereal astrology as used by Athen Chimenti of mastering the zodiac channel uses the 13th sign, ophioucus, next to Scorpio on the ecliptic. Cheers, Jason.


One of my favirite subjects, 13th Sign🐍...im ready to hear this Jason⚔


Nothing like coming home from work to an archaix video on one of my most questioned subjects 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳Can’t wait to watch it!!!


Why is 13 considered an unlucky number in some cultures but not others? Is it to draw attention away from the significance of the number?
