Billy Carson – Angel Numbers: PAY ATTENTION to the MESSAGE!

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In this enlightening conversation, Billy Carson and Alexis Brooks engage in an in-depth discussion about Angelic Numbers. They explore what these numbers are, delve into their meanings, and highlight their significance. It’s crucial for us to be consciously aware that whenever we encounter these numbers, we must pay attention. A hidden message awaits unpacking, a message communicated directly to you by Intelligent Design. Each number or sequence is a personal note, meant to convey something profound and significant, so be sure to tune in and listen carefully.

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Discover a world of captivating Original Shows, Films, including The Black Knight Satellite, Documentaries, masterclasses, workshops, podcasts, and much much more!


When my son died, our stove clock that hadn't worked in 20 years, started flipping through all the numbers and landed on 33:33 . Another time it flipped through and landed on 11:11, in addition to setting off the clock buzzer. I knew in my heart that he was letting me know he was with us.


Took me to loose everything then started to see repeating numbers .
Folks who say it's demonic are wrong . I feel like it's a sign we are on the right path in our life .


My higher self has been guiding me with angel numbers. I've won lottery wins with these numbers that not only have special and specific meaning for me in my life but can also lead me to monetary abundance! For example, last year 123 kept appearing, and for me, it means one step at a time. So one day I played it and forgot. I woke up to a win! I learned that not only am I truly connected to Source and my higher self, but that I can win too! I am worthy of receiving! From all places! Expected and unexpected. It allowed me to start my process of releasing lack and unworthiness.


Funny. As soon I came to this video I saw my car saying I had 81% charge and the degrees outside is 81 degrees. And I immediately googled 8181 saw what made me smile and then clicked on YouTube and here I am. 😊


I ALWAYS KNEW I WAS NOT LIKE EVERYONE ELSE AROUND ME, and i NEVER CARED, like even as a child i never cared to fit in. I've always loved learning, can walk in anywhere and people gravitate to me without me saying one matter what was going on my life, i've never been a worrier, everyone has always said that i just don't care about anything etc...i just knew and know that all that matters is the right now i guess, Phil Quinn, Delores Cannon, among others and most definitely Billy have given me such an outlet of people that understand me, because you find yourself holding so much in because many people have no idea where your coming from and trying to explain your conversations to people gets old quick....I JUST WANT TO SAY THANK YOU and THANK YOU, because not many people that look like us get it


When i see these numbers in sequence i always think its the universe trying to communicate with me. Like there is another entity present and i gain a sense of comfort. We are all in it together. Truly amazing stuff. Calmness and patience will get us through anything


The more I watch billy, the more I feel he is a alien giving us knowledge, or a falling angel giving us forbidden wisdom lol


This started for me 10 years ago. At the time I had no idea what was going on. When I started telling people about it they would never believe it meant anything. But I know it means something 🙏🏻🙏🏻 11:11 is definitely a big one for me. ❤


May the 4's be with you, Billy.
Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge.


I've been seeing many repeating numbers multiple times a day for years. It has definitely been amped up over the past few years. Now I am also seeing variations of 369 as well as getting word synchronicities multiple times a day too. It's so weird and cool. For example, when Billy said " it's like butter" I had just picked up the butter to butter my toast. I use them as guidance. ❤😊


I absolutely love her voice, it's so pleasant 🩷🌸🩷


I AM so happy to hear about a POSITIVE perspective of the number 13 because I was born on the 13th and feel its very purposeful and positive!!! ❤


“Random” TikTok feed led me to Billy. Thankfully, I went down the rabbit hole which led me to this YouTube video. Now I have a new Hero & She-ro! Deep, deep gratitude to Alexis and Billy. I learned so much in less than 1 hour. Love grows. ❤️


Today my guiden Angel woke me up told me to look at my phone and take a screen shot the time 11:11 I’m grateful for the soft landing enough time to transfer my body for the awakening, welcome to Earth. I’m grateful for Billy and interested in him and his thoughts .
Today is awesome 3/27/24 11:11


The Universe been communicating with me all my life in numbers. Since I was a child. My grandmother was a very Spiritual woman. She told me when I was about 14-15 that I had special gifts and at the right time it will be revealed . And I can’t run from it!

55 every think is going exactly according to the Universe. You are on the right path. 9 -finalization in this season. 44 destine for greatness. 444 pray for the world /11 light workers are around you waiting on your request and intercession. 222 Devine Success.
77 Chosen Ones .

We are all call but only a few are Chosen. To be shown great and mighty things you knowths Not🙏🏾



I was born on the 13th. Gave me so much clarity. ❤ First time here but I listen to him a lot. He got me looking at life different. Thank you for this ❤


Growing up neurodivergent, I had meshed stimuli that would translate into other things like colors, sounds or even abstract ideas. No matter how strange I always understood these things inherently. I feel so heard!


Started watching at 12:44 am - I see this number often, including, 1044, 1144; however, I see many angel numbers constantly! I almost continuously see numbers ending in 11, 22, 33, 44, and 55! And I mean constantly...I started to think I was forcing it subconsciously because it became absurd to me. I've finally just succumbed to the fact that I'm being heavily activated! I've been breaking free of limiting beliefs, religious indoctrination, and generational PTSD! I'm becoming free at last - praise God almighty, I'm free at last!


Can't wait because I've been seeing 333, 111, 222, 1111, 444 a lot