How To Invest In Your 20’s to be Wealthy In Your 30’s

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These are my recommendations and strategies that I’ve figured out along the way, that you can utilize to really make the most out of your 20’s, financially. Enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan

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First thing, if you’re in your 20’s…INVEST EVERYTHING, IMMEDIATELY.
$1 invested at 20 years old at a 7% return will be worth $21 at the age of 65.
However…if you wait, and invest that same $1 at 30 years old, it’ll only be worth $10.68 at the age of 65.
This means your money is worth TWICE AS MUCH when you’re 20 years old, than when you’re 30 years old.

Open up a Roth IRA immediately, and contribute to it.
First, you’re probably not making a ton of money right now, so you’re already in a really low tax bracket - this means VERY little money is lost to taxes upfront, leaving you with MORE money left over to invest.
Second, you’re young enough that you’ll have DECADES of growth that’ll be tax free when you’re older - and that means more money in your pocket

Saving 10% of your income, like so many financial advisors recommend, is just not enough.
10% is a start, but when you consider just how much money you can make in compound interest in your 20’s, you should ideally get in the habit of saving and investing MORE upfront, because your money is worth more NOW than it will be in the future.

That’s why I think it’s so important to LIVE WHILE YOU’RE BROKE IN YOUR 20’S.
Your 20’s are a free-pass to live like your broke, because no one expects you to have anything, anyway..

Second: If you want to be wealthy in your 30’s, you should start your own business in your 20’s.
Here’s the magic of doing this: with the internet, there has never been more of a level playing field in terms of building wealth. The best way to make a ton of money and become wealthy, is by starting a business, and have that business be mobile. Most of the time, a business will make you WAY more money than your investments will EVER make.

So when you’re in your 20’s, PLAY TO WIN and make as much money as you can. Then, WITH THAT MONEY, invest “NOT TO LOSE” so you actually keep it. That way, you’ll always have your foundation working for you, no matter what…so remember, be aggressive with business, be safe with investments.

You have a VERY unique time right now where, if you try something and fail, you have plenty of time to recover. If you lose money, it’s no big deal. If something doesn’t work out, oh well, it’s not the end of the world.

This also applies to INVESTING in your 20’s, as well…you can make much riskier investments, because you have a much longer timeframe to recover from any losses.

Fourth: Reconsider College.
Honestly, for most people who really want to become WEALTHY early in life - college does very little for you. In fact, most of the time it’ll set you back between the cost of college, and the opportunity cost of wasting 4 years in a classroom where you could be out there actually doing something.

If you make more money, keep your expenses the same - don’t change a thing - and invest the difference.

Sixth: Stay away from bad debt.
If your DEBT isn’t MAKING you money, AVOID IT. Plain and simple.

Рекомендации по теме

"Live like you're broke, in your 20's." Waaay ahead of ya bud.


Do a video on "how to invest in your 10's to be wealthy on your 20's" 😂


Graham: “buy”
Me: “buy”
Graham: “and hold”
Me: “and hold”
Graham: “buy and hold”
Me: “buy and sell”


"Live like you are broke in your twenties"

Like I have a choice


I tattooed "buy and hold" on my forehead. Everytime I want to remember what I'm supposed to, I look in the mirror and I'm like, "Oh yeah! dloh dna yub!"


I doubled my wealth in just two weeks. I had a balance of $40 in my account last week and now I have $80


The biggest thing I learned from this video was 50% of investing, buying good companies at good prices and the other 50% is controlling my emotions when. market is poor I realized that the secret to make a million is better with


I'm an idiot

I thought 401k means the end goal of saving is 401 thousand dollars or like stocks.


when you said "live like you're broke", I felt that. I'm living by that up until now.


Hey Graham, I know you read your comments, so I hope you actually see this one. As an 18 year old who knew absolutely nothing about money, you've taught me so much about real estate, finances, credit scores, etc. – all things that were unfortunately not taught to me in school. I've even been able to educate my friends and family on personal finance and have directed them to your channel several times. Long story short, your videos have had a true impact on me, and I appreciate your hard work. Thanks for all you do. - Bryan


Graham, where the F were you and your channel when I was 20?

Oh right, you were 15... LOL


Just got the best idea for my first tattoo: “Buy and Hold”


I started investing when I was 27, mostly through sweat equity. I just turned 32 and this last month was the first time that my passive income broke $100, 000 for the month. This is solid advice! DO IT!

You don’t have to get rich quick, you just have to get rich no matter what. 👍🏼


My man you’re doing a great thing. This is millions of dollars worth of knowledge for 0 cost to smart viewers who take you seriously. Thank you!


I’m confident the current market has an equal possibility of making high-value gains or losses, so I'm cautious with my selections; but, I heard that a trader made over $250k in this recession influenced market, and I could really need ideas on how to achieve similar profits.


"I can't believe I'm more frugal than Graham"
sitting here with no socks on.


Your average 8 figure earner has 7 sources of income! That says a lot.


I'm currently 21 years old and this is probably the best money advice I've heard for people of my age.
Thank you Graham!


Found this video at 26; never too late to start! After the CoronaReset on my finances, I just paid off one of my two maxed out credit cards this week! Time to kill the next one...


I took a personal finance course during my undergrad at one of the best business schools in the country and my two takeaway points from that class were mentioned here: Compounding interest is everything and buy & hold is crucial. Thanks for the video!
