The Medicine of Frequencies. What did Einstein mean? | Dr. Mitchell Abrams | TEDxTrinityBellwoods

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Einstein famously said, 'Everything is energy,' and he also stated that the 'Future of medicine is the medicine of frequencies.' Radiologist Dr. Mitch Abrams offers a new perspective on energy in relation to our most advanced knowledge of medical sciences, mental health, and our interconnectedness.
Early in his radiology career, Dr. Abrams was unexpectedly diagnosed with Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy and underwent open-heart surgery. Experiencing the healthcare system from multiple perspectives—as a physician, a patient, and later as an interim department chair—he witnessed the many areas of incongruence and disconnect within the system. Through his own healing journey, he embarked on a mission to infuse more heart into healthcare and our communities. Dr. Abrams dedicated over a decade to investigating, practicing, researching, and amalgamating his learning in order to present a more holistic vision of healing and wellness. He brings personal stories, cutting-edge research, and a new vision for a brighter and more harmonious future for humanity. Dr. Mitchell Abrams is a radiologist, educator and founder of
NexGenHealth Ltd. Abrams completed his medical degree and radiology specialty from Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia, holds a subspecialty in cross-sectional imaging from the University of Toronto and is a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Dr. Abrams is an assistant clinical professor at Michael G Degroote School of Medical Sciences and was department chair of diagnostic imaging at Cambridge Memorial Hospital. Dr. Abrams is also a certified educator of applied compassion, through the Center for Compassion
and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE) at Stanford Medical School. Dr. Abrams experienced a healing journey of his own which catupulted him on a mission to bring more heart to healthcare and to communities. Dr. Abrams’ approach to wellbeing incorporates leading-edge scientific research and personal
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I love this stuff! Today I was talking to the neighbour outside. Her 2 dogs and 1 cat were stuck on being in touch with me. My energy level was like a magnet. It was obvious, so obvious that the gate keeping her pets on the porch kept jumping loose. The neighbour kept apologizing. It wasn't a bother in the least. I got dog licks on my face and arms and cat rubs on my legs. Why all the attention? I have been listening to heart syncing frequencies. My whole being is becoming a magnet to energy.


I'm no scientist, or even an academic. I have, however, been a practitioner of Vipassana Meditation for thirty-seven years. Also, I'm been a practitioner of Automatic Typing for nearly sixty years. My experiences lead me to believe that everything you've said here is correct. Thanks for much for this profound video's messages.


Negative emotions disrupt or even block necessary energy flow.

For instance, fear holds a frequency that resonates in the liver. Excessive fear will decrease liver function.

If anyone has questions, I can try to help.


TED, you “flagged this talk” because it “lacks scientific support”? The speaker did nothing but cite scientific studies, and talk about his belief in the importance of its use and further study.

TED, what do you have against science that is inspired by non-Western, rather than Western, traditions?


I always meditate using the Gayatri Mantar. He is also taking about the Gaia principle here. thoughtful


All the Universe is a fantastic interwoven system of fields of energy. This may sound a bit "hokey"; but Quantum Theory shows us it is most likely the true nature of the Universe.


This is a new frontier of understand the synergy between our physical body and the invisible frequencies that we are swimming in like fish.
We will see more and more presentations like this, as we release the limitations of the old paradigm, and limiting mindsets.
The old world is collapsing, as all things cycle and change, and we are evolving to this new awareness who we really are. Our bodies are precious vehicle, but they are simply the manifestation something beautiful and intangible.


I firmly believe we need more doctors and medical professionals like him here in western countries. I'm very glad he's a teacher. I hope he inspires many more


I have been around this Mind Set for quite a long time & This Presentation resonated and supported my genuine belief in its Deep Understanding and Wisdom, of who we are as Human Beings. Lest we underestimate our Humanity and Potential. We each have so much so much to offer, too each other.


this is a fantastic, life-transforming talk! i totally resonate with it. thanks Dr Mitchell.


While I agree with much of what this guy is saying he doesn’t provide any tangible information about how to practice the idea that he’s conveying…just sounds like buzz words and charts without actual substance. Tell me how to practice your research!


I love this presentation! Look at nurse researched Therapeutic Touch - modern interpretation of ancient healing practices such as laying on hands -I treated surgery patients with energy in the 90's ... I meditate & worked for a chiropractor. Consider Ayurvedic philosophy of "food as medicine " or acupuncture from Traditional Chinese Medicine cultural healing through thousands of years.


Ive been using frequency charged nutrition (11 harmonic healing frequencies) and also applying frequecy charged discs ti my body its incredible!!!!


It's all about the sound, frequency and vibration.


This reminds me of the teachings of Drs. Joe Dispenza and Bruce Lipton.


Frequency only means, number of cicles per second. C/t
This lacks a bunch of data, he uses the word energy wrong.
Energy only means: the capacity to do work.
He talks about an electromagnetic field around humans, therefore he should be able to explain how much electricity runs in our body.
What voltage? How many amps? Form where to where is the potencial difference.
He said Einstein said this and that, using the word “consciousness” in the wrong way. 0 citations of the research he talks about 😢😢


The power of word is indeed magical. I had anxiety since I was a child. Naturally timid child and into my adulthood I experienced a range of emotions and symptoms that are discomforting. One of the things I realize is that frequencies of energy whether it be people ( naturally empathetic ) and binarial sounds help!
I tend to feel safe with people who can connect with me on a level of nurture and joy. Set backs happen in life but its always assuring to just FEEL certain people who will always pour into you.

I love frequency sounds. It tickles the brain. Its all about pouring into yourself.


Wow.. this guy pulled all the main points from Heart Math and put it in his TED talk without giving them the credit.


Genetic disorders are negatively charged frequencies passed down from our ancestors.

I am thankful that God designed us with epigenetic function, which means we dont have to accept the hand we are dealt!


Just found out Dr. Abrams will be a speaker at Day of Discovery in Sept. Sooo excited.
