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Thank you for watching. Please upvote and subscribe. This video solves the error message from APT that says "W: GPG error: --URL-- InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY --KEY SIGNATURE--". The message is referring to how APT GPG keys are managed in the Linux system. The video shows the cause of the message, and how to manage public APT repository keys correctly to avoid this warning/error message in the future. The issue affects any version of Linux using the APT package manager with GPG public verification keys including but not limited to Debian Linux, Ubuntu Linux, Kali Linux, and others. The signature after the NO_PUBKEY will vary per key. The URL right after GPG Error will also vary since this is the URL of the APT source code repository. APT is the package manager for Debian-based Linux distributions that uses commands like apt-get, apt-get install, apt update, apt-get update, apt dist-upgrade, apt upgrade to update the packages on Linux systems with sources from repositories signed by the repository keys. The issue can be caused by having expired public keys, missing public keys, or not using the signed-by directive to point the fetch commands to the public key.


Fix APT GPG error
APT key verification error
Troubleshooting APT GPG signatures
Resolving NO_PUBKEY error in APT
APT InRelease key not verified
APT public key missing
GPG key signature error in APT
APT update error NO_PUBKEY
How to handle APT GPG key issues
Solving APT InRelease verification error
Fixing APT public key not available
APT GPG key missing problem
APT repository key error
APT keyring issue
APT update failed due to key problem
APT NO_PUBKEY signature verification
APT repository key not found
APT InRelease GPG key error
Troubleshoot Linux APT key issues
Resolving GPG signature problems in APT
These keywords should help your video rank higher in search results and attract viewers who are encountering similar APT GPG key-related errors and looking for solutions. Be sure to include these keywords naturally in your video's title, description, and tags to optimize its search engine visibility.
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Thank you. I'm trying to install the samsung unified printer driver and I am having the same issue. Your video is likely to be helpful.
