The dialog element is awesome!
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The `dialog` HTML element makes it easier than ever to create modal and non-modal dialogs.
This video explains the challenges we faced before this element. Then we discuss the differences between modal and non-modal use cases. In the modal use cases, we learn about the backdrop pseudo-element (::backdrop) and the Top layer!
0:00 - Intro
0:20 - Modal vs. Non-modal dialogs
0:51 - Challenges
2:29 - The dialog element
4:05 - Modal dialogs
6:02 - Top Layer
7:49 - Outro
audio id VC98E5K5TSPKCAUB
The dialog element is awesome!
The New dialog HTML Element Changes Modals Forever
dialog = the easiest way to make a popup modal
Dialog Is My Favorite HTML Element And It Is Amazing
Styling modals just got easier!
This HTML Element Is A Game Changer For Dialogs
If you're using popover, also use the dialog element for your modal dialogs
Modals made easy
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HTML dialog Tag
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Create popup modal with simple HTML dialog element!
Click Outside to Close Modal | Close HTML dialog Element by Clicking Out