Selenium Tutorial For Beginners 39|Selenium Live Project Part-3|G C Reddy|

Показать описание
Integration of Maven with Selenium, Create Maven Project, Enter Software Dependencies in Maven POM XML, and update the Maven project.
Automated Testing or Test Automation using Selenium, Software Project Information, Project Description, Stake Holder of the Project, Interfaces of the project, Features to be tested in Admin Interface, Features to be tested in User Interface, Test Requirements, Test Scenarios, and Test Cases, Derive Smoke Test Scenarios for Admin Interface, Derive Smoke Test Scenarios for User Interface, Derive Comprehensive(All Possible) Test Scenarios for Admin Interface, and Derive Comprehensive(All Possible) Test Scenarios for User Interface.
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Selenium Class 39: Selenium Project Part-3

Smoke Test Cases for gcrShop Application User Interface

I) Smoke Test Cases for User Interface:
1) Lunch the user Interface of the Application
2) Verify "Required Elements" availability on Home Page
3) Verify Customer "Registration" with Valid Data
4) Verify Customer "Login" with Valid Data
5) Verify "Buy A Product"....

4) Verify Customer "Login" with Valid Data

Test Steps:
i) Lunch Browser
ii) Navigate to gcrShop User Interface
iii) Click "login" Link
iv) Enter "E-Mail Address"
v) Enter "Password"
vi) Click "Sign In"

Verification Point/s
Check the existence of Logoff Login after Login

Expected: Logoff Link

Test Data:
Password: abcd4321

II) Smoke Test Cases for Admin Interface:

1) Verify Launch gcrShop Application Admin Interface
2) Verify "Required Elements" availability in Admin Interface Home Page
3) Verify "Redirect" Functionality (Redirecting from Admin to user interface)
4) Verify "Admin Login" to the Admin Interface

1) Verify Launch gcrShop Application Admin Interface

i) Launch Browser

verification Point/s
Capture the Page Title and Compare with expected

GCR Shop

Test Data: None

2) Verify "Required Elements" availability in Admin Interface Home Page

Test Steps:
i) Lunch Browser

Verification Point/s
Verify "Username", "Password", and Login Button

3) Verify "Redirect" Functionality (Redirecting from Admin to user interface)

Test Steps:
i) Lunch Browser
iii) Click "Online Catalog" Link

Verification Point/s
Capture the current URL and Compare with expected


Test Data: None:

4) Verify "Admin Login" to the Admin Interface

Test Steps:
i) Lunch Browser
iii) Enter valid "Username"
iv) Enter valid "Password"
v) Click "Login" Button

Verification Point/s
Capture the URL after Login, and Compare with expected

