Should You Use EARBUDS or HEADSET for R6

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I personally raw dog it and go on monitor speakers


“Jynxzi” and “does well in tournaments” in the same sentence 💔


I've taken your tip about night mode for like a year now and I only recently switched back to Hi-Fi after I got inarguably the best headphones money can buy for gaming (HD800S). For cheaper pairs of headphones like HyperXs, sound separation isn't as useful and quieting the upper frequencies of gunshots can help you hear quieter sounds and thusly you benefit from night mode. If you have a good pair of headphones (and pair them with an external DAC), having the least amount of sound compression is better for sound separation which is especially useful if you have open back headphones (i.e Hi-Fi sound setting in R6). This overall improves the accuracy of sounds and helps you pinpoint them way better. For most closed back "gaming" headphones though, night mode is probably better since you don't benefit from the wide sound stages of an open back.
While I'd say the difference between $1, 600 headphones and $5 Skullcandy earbuds (or even decent "gaming" headphones) are unmistakable, it's a very situational difference in-game and it's gargantuanly overkill for just gaming since these kinds of headphones are meant to do a lot more. Evidenced by the fact that most pros settle for some "gaming" headset, it's a small factor in a very long list of factors that is mostly unremarkable in comparison to the effect that skill has on your rank.
Next is the IEMs vs headphones debate, which boils down to preferred form factor for most people, but expanded, it's an argument about value in the $10-$200 price range and advantages of each form factor for anything more expensive. Open backs give a wider sound stage for better accuracy, closed backs give less sound bleed and can be more immersive due to sound isolation, and IEMs often offer the best value and have great levels of detail. This is oversimplified too, but I wanted to add just a little bit more nuance to the discussion.


I don’t know the science, but I’ve found consistently with headsets vs earbuds that I’m able to tell directions of sound better with a headset, like using a headset it’s easier to hear whether sounds are coming from behind, above, below, etc


Aight, no headphone will ever give you a dent unless your skull is made of jelly. Headphones and íems are different, in iems the sound goes straight into your ear canal and how you perceive it depends heavily into how the sound is coded in the game, headphones on the other hand vary depending on how the driver is placed, how well does your headphone fit your head, etc. footsteps are low frequencies so bass and gunshots are high frequencies so treble. You can eq the sound to enhance certain sounds


If youve got the money and dont need the built-in microphone, shill the extra 40-70 bucks and get sennheiser or beyerdynamic headphones. I personally recommend the beyerdynamic dt770, super comfy, amazing sound quality, and if you're on pc, you can plug em in to a proper xlr audio setup on a sound card.


There are far better options for both earbuds and headsets. If you want earbuds get some IEMS, if you want headphones spend a lil extra and get some studio headphones like Beyerdynamics, you will not regret it


Another option for a really good headset for cheap is you can get some really nice studio headphones, keep in mind this is only for pc players because these headsets don't come with mics but the sound quality👌


I use the EPOS H6PRO headset and after a little tweaking in the audio settings, it’s the best headset I’ve ever used. And the most comfortable. And the removable mic is a really nice touch I didn’t think I needed. Not to mention that dark green and gold color looks really really nice


If you got the cash to burn, would recommend an audio interface like the focusrite scarlet line or avid MBOX, you can hook up more powerful headphones that have a wider range as well as a mid to high quality microphone. I switched from an audiotechnica headphone and yeti to the scarlet 2i2 with their brand headphones and microphone, night and day difference between standard aux and 1/4 inch


when it came to R6 i always have had the HyperX Quad-cast Mic but never a headset. i started using my Beats Studio Pros coffee brown as they can with an aux cord and dude i kid you not the audio was completely different than those i got from any gaming headset. totally worth trying out.


another thing to note. Pro's typically have noise cancelling headphones over their earbuds on stage to block out arena chatter which is why they use them at home as well.


jynxi going 1-10 every other tournament 😂


a lot of pros probably have IEMs instead of traditional earbuds allowing for an even better quality sound, and like all IEMs, they are custom fit to your ear shape and ear canal so they aren't uncomfortable or fall out


Use IEM’s they legitimately are made for sound quality, as an audiophile I can confirm this


Lesion actually agreeing with the coppers for once


i was deadass thinking of this 15 min ago, the timing impeccable


I use the Turtle Beach Stealth Pro, and they are fenomenal


Kz or any other decent iems pretty good but you gotta find some that are more base heavy most iems strive to be as accurate to sound as possible meaning they dont have much boosted base but all sounds are even


i love my hyperx headphones they’re the most comfortable headset i’ve ever used and the sound quality is insane. also they’re not crazy expensive at all