Finding Resilience with Chronic Illness

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Thanks to Dr McCabe @lighterbrighteryou for sharing her passion (look at her, she can't wait to answer the question 🙏🙏🤗!

Why does resilience matter? Simply because living with chronic illness is tough and falling apart does not help us in our recovery efforts. Yes, sometimes we have to change how we engage, and submitting to the experience can be part of that, but we need to be resilient enough to transform that into some kind of new positive path forward.

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Comparing the world war people and how they united to draw upon resilience is great.
Starving people also do this. They unite through validation.
CFS people don't fully get to do this.
They often get zero support from the medical world, family or friends.
So, having CFS people unite through groups like yours helps but it is not as supportive as an entire village or country all going through a stressful event at the same time like covid. If I was in hospital with Covid. Everyone would believe in a second.
That is what helps you to find resilience.
That support sadly, is
'too often' not the case for people with CFS which I believe can make it so much harder to stay resilient.


I’ve been a chronic pain patient for almost 40yrs. In that time I’ve been borderline violated by the medical world (as I was used as a ‘guinea pig’ at a pain clinic in a major city) and am probably worse off for
it. But in spite of the daily struggles, I’ve lived a wonderful life… I’ve raised five incredible daughters and currently enjoy my 13 grandchildren. I’ve been blessed with an amazingly supportive husband, my faith in Jesus Christ and the mindset of ‘decide and do’. Chronic pain came into my life when I was a victim in a horrible car accident… I had two choices - lay on the couch for the remainder of my life, or live my life the best I can with what I’ve got. I chose the latter…
