Kellie-Jay & the Neo-Nazis

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Content warning: Transphobia, homophobia, racism, antisemitism, suicide, sexual abuse, child sexual abuse, violence, abortion
Videos I mentioned:
The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling | ContraPoints
Transphobia: The Far Right and Liberalism
What Is The Deal With The "Trans Debate"? | Mia Mulder
Special thanks to: Ash, Kat Lo, Georg Kraml, Ryan, & Alex!
Translations by: Sophie L
Background art by Skutch:
Videos I mentioned:
The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling | ContraPoints
Transphobia: The Far Right and Liberalism
What Is The Deal With The "Trans Debate"? | Mia Mulder
Special thanks to: Ash, Kat Lo, Georg Kraml, Ryan, & Alex!
Translations by: Sophie L
Background art by Skutch:
Kellie-Jay & the Neo-Nazis
Nazi fears over anti-transgender rights rally in Hobart | ABC News
Lidia Thorpe, 'Posie Parker' and the neo-Nazis | ABC News Daily Podcast
‘Failure of journalistic duty’: ABC issues clarification after Kellie-Jay Keen ‘smear’
Transgender rights activists clash with Neo-Nazi's in Melbourne | Latest News | English News | ...
Trans Rights Protest in Adelaide against Kellie-Jay Keen
Victorian Liberal leader condems anti-trans protest attended by neo-Nazis | SBS News
Kellie-Jay Keen explains what happened in New Zealand, part 3
Kellie-Jay Keen describes what happened in New Zealand
ABC issues a corrections and clarification over Kellie-Jay Keen portrayal
Posie Parker in NZ: Activist's response after Aussie neo-Nazi incident | Newshub
‘I was very afraid.’ Posie Parker on what went wrong on her tour down under #nz #news #womensrights...
Does the Jewish Council think Posie Parker is a Nazi?
'Get your f***ing hands off!' Posie Parker Vs trans man at #LetWomenSpeak rally | I Am Bir...
Victorian Government To Explore Extra Measures After Neo-Nazi Clash
Lidia Thorpe storms Kellie-Jay Keen's podium but is stopped by police
Posie Parker on who can call themselves a woman #posieparker #gender #politics #nz #womensrights
Kellie-Jay Keen on why she doesn’t call herself a #feminist #posieparker #adulthumanfemale
Should Posie Parker’s visa be revoked? #lgbtqia #shorts
Headliners | 'Women's rights campaigner Kellie-Jay Keen thanks Nicola Surgeon for waking u...
Kellie-Jay Keen On Tavistock Approving Controversial Sex Operation
'Incompetent Cowards Push This' - Kellie-Jay Keen On Tavistock Approving Controversial Sex...
Posie Parker risks culture clash, mortgagors worse off & Picton chemical spill |
Tomato juice thrown on Posie Parker, aborts rally |