Kellie-Jay & the Neo-Nazis

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Content warning: Transphobia, homophobia, racism, antisemitism, suicide, sexual abuse, child sexual abuse, violence, abortion

Videos I mentioned:

The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling | ContraPoints

Transphobia: The Far Right and Liberalism

What Is The Deal With The "Trans Debate"? | Mia Mulder

Special thanks to: Ash, Kat Lo, Georg Kraml, Ryan, & Alex!
Translations by: Sophie L


Background art by Skutch:
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if posie parker was a massive trans rights campaigner and i agreed with her on everything, that "there is precious little i am ever wrong about" speech would still be a massive red flag


"Men, I'm gonna need you to start stepping into women's spaces to prove my point about trans women." Being an actual take of hers is insane.


holy shit if she was a fictional villain people would criticise the character writing for being too one dimensional and not nuanced


I can't get over how special KJK thinks she is that she thinks she's the only one who's right. The children are indoctrinated, "their parents are indoctrinated, their schools are indoctrinated, the doctors are indoctrinated". Basically everyone who disagrees with her is indoctrinated. She really thinks she's one of the smartest person in the world that only she and a select few can "see the truth" and everyone else is wrong.


Ah yes. 'Our enemy is simultaneously a tiny minority of people and EVERYWHERE AT ONCE'... one of the cornerstones of fascist rhetoric


"I'm worried about childrens bodies"
Not even the whole child Kelly?
What a ghoul


The fact that she unironically said "you will be annihilated" in a serious tone as a grown adult is fucking hilarious to me


The openly admitting to saying they're a fascist, and then say it's a joke when someone points it out is the weirdest thing. Especially because people fall for it.


"It's the end of days!"
Because of all the fires and floods and pollution and war, right?
"No! Because a fraction of a percent of the population identify as trans!"
It's sad that she thinks these things, but it's terrifying that _there are people who listen to her._


Her: “Let women speak!”
Also her: “all women who stand in my way will be annihilated.”


As a trans person, Shaun being so vehemently pro-Trans and protective of Trans rights is such a validating experience. Truly a must-watch Trans channel


I am a mixed race cis femme lesbian. I've been regularly misgendered since I was a teenager because my face has the audacity not to fit western beauty standards - even got bullied for it. I'm not trying to look masculine(but you shouldn't be threatened if you do, that goes without saying). I can see the incomprehension and disgust in people's eyes when they can't figure out what I am. I've been fearing public restrooms even before the whole trans panic and even before figuring out i was gay just because I looked different. Now, because of people like KJK, it's become worse. I keep being misgendered. If I'm dressed casual, I'm a man. If I wear a dress, I'm, strangely, a trans woman. Now, I know in 99% of the cases, nothing violent will happen to me in public restrooms or in any public spaces, but the 1% is now terrifying me beyond measure. But thank you TERFS for making cis women and lesbians like me feel safe I guess.

This is why I stand with trans people and jewish people - and any other oppressed minority. It is VERY easy to be othered and made the target of a group who arbitrarily decided you needed to be erased out of existence, because said group's standards for "what's normal and good" are so narrow that you have more chance to be hurt than being part of said group. Even cishet white women often don't fit the TERF/nazi criterias defining a woman.

Anyway. My dear trans friends, we have so much in common and you have made my life brigther time and time again. I'll march with you and protect you until the end. You are loved.

Edit: oh hells, thanks for the likes! I want to make clear that my situation as a cis woman is not as terrible that of trans people. I just wanted to highlight how this "protect women" motto is bullshit, because it also ends up hurting people like me. As with everything intersectionality is key and that's why you can't separate gay and trans people, and lbgt people and people of color, because we have a lot of things in common, and above all, sadly, the people who want us dead!


I like how Shawn can literally say these women commited crimes, because they are too proud to even deny so instead they say "yeah, I got pregnant with a minor"


The fact that she wants armed men to go into "womens spaces", but simply to bully trans women, shows how little she cares about "protecting women from bad men", all she cares about is "othering", demonizing, and scaring trans people out of society. I know this is just one part of her message, but wow are they incoherent in all levels of their messaging. It always boils down to embracing ignorance, fear, and hate for reactionaries and fascists like Parker.


Loved when she said the neo Nazis at her event might have secretly been police. Even a broken clock is right twice a day


Something very telling occurred to me upon a rewatch of this:

You mentioned how many of the infamous images of the Nazis burning books were them burning books from Hirschfeld’s sexology institute.

Nazis burning books has always been a go-to image to illustrate the evil of the Nazis, visual shorthand for “don’t be like these monsters, ” but as a shorthand image when it’s evoked it almost always (rather conveniently) overlooks exactly what books were being burned.

…I say “conveniently” as I watch the smoking tailspin the Republican Party is currently in here in the US, specifically regarding the recent reactionary push to ban books dealing with LGBTQ+ issues and culture on the grounds that it’s “pornographic, ” “sexually explicit, ” and/or “sexualizing our kids.”

My morbid curiosity can’t help but wonder how conservatives here in the US would react to the knowledge that the Nazis banned and burned books, which they are usually quick to acknowledge is bad, but the books they were banning and burning were about LGBTQ+ issues… which many of them are in favor of banning.

I’d like to think they simply don’t know, give them the benefit of the doubt and all that. Admittedly I didn’t know the history of Hirschfeld’s institute or how the Nazis destroyed it until recently and I’m gay, so I imagine many straight cis people, conservative or otherwise, would have even less reason to know about it.

Again, the Nazis started somewhere… ignorance is the fascist’s greatest weapon.


Before she started picking on trans people, KJK’s target was Muslims. Her cosying up to fascists is not surprising behaviour.


A transphobe literally ranting and raving at a bot on twitter is so funny. It gives "old man yells at cloud" energy.


not the grossest thing she's done by far, but making fun of people for their income when she's a professional grifter is pretty gross


As someone who is half German and half Austrian (there's no joke about my Nazi ancestry you can make that I haven't made myself), I inevitably had to face that the grandparents I adored growing up, were at the very least silent bystanders and it made me wonder, if I would have the courage to stand up to hate and facism. But Jesus Christ, I didn't mean that I wanted to be tested by living in times where it was on the rise again.
