Relaxing Ancient Greek Music & Night Ambience II | Samvyke | music for sleep, meditation, study

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Thank You For Listening My Friends.. I hope you can find a fresh little village here.. :)

Composer: Atmospherious (Yudha Pratama)
Track : Relaxing Ancient Greek Music & Night Ambience I

Spotify : Soon

My music is also available in several digital music stores besides Spotify such as iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon, etc..


I am Yudha Pratama, an independent composer from Indonesia. I am the owner of this "Atmospherious" relaxation music project.

I compose relaxing fantasy ancient music, fantasy ambient music, nature ambience, traditional, etc.

The music I compose the most for this "Atmospherious" project is Fantasy Ancient Greek, Roman, Egypt, etc Music & Nature Ambience.

Thank you for your great support, all my friends, Enjoy my little music and stay tuned for updates to my newest relaxation music. Have a peaceful day and meaningful day! :)

© Copyright:
Music composed by Yudha Pratama

I'll explain more about my relaxing music channel. So I compose music whose genre is relaxation ancient fantasy, I'm sorry if it can't resemble the atmosphere and music or regional music history in the real world.. Because the genre of relaxation music on my channel is relaxing fantasy music like calm background music in old video games, and with nature ambience.. I hope you all enjoy my little music..

This is only a musical illustration and may be very different from the actual conditions of music history in certain areas..

Samvyke Harp description:
The old sources describe the Samvyke as a sensual instrument, which was used in symposiums and orgies. It was exclusively played by lightly-dressed women, who created an erotic atmosphere. The Samvyke was probably created during the 6th century BC, and its first player was Sibylla. Because of its sensual character, the Samvyke was looked down upon by important philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, and others. The Samvyke was a rather large instrument with a length of over one meter. Its shape resembled a siege-machine and was thus named after one. Samvyke strings were arranged as four 2-string couples, which were played by both hands. This instrument was later used in the Roman Empire as well as in Alexandria.

(Description Credit By Ancient World: Instruments of Antiquity VST / Big Fish Audio)

Thank you very much for listening and for leaving feedback my friend. I am completely happy by all your great support and it really inspires me to work even harder on my music. If you enjoy my work, I would be very happy if you decided to subscribe, like, comment and share with your family and friends. Have a peaceful day & meaningful day!

#relaxingmusic #fantasymusic #assassinscreedodyssey
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This brings me right back to 300 BCE, good old times


I wish everyone who clicked on this video the most love, peace and abundance. You’re so much closer than you realize. I love you


Your music is perfect for reading greek mythology and drinking wine 📚 the kitty lying on my book approves too!


Thank you. I was beating my head against my desk trying to comprehend Plotinus.

Now I am beating my head against my desk trying to comprehend Plotinus but with relaxing background music.


As Greek iam so happy and proud for this video....🇬🇷 🏛️💙🤍💙🏛️🇬🇷


Enjoying some greek yogurt with this music. Feels divine !!


It's take me back to. Assassin'S Creed Odyssey 2018 in Ancient Greek! With this beautiful music! I would love to visit. Greece Athens one day 🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🏛🏛🏛💙🗯💙🗯💙🗯💙


That one motif that almost sounds like “all around me are familiar faces” gets me every time


Listening to this while reading Circe >>>


When I listen to your playlist, I feel good. 😍😍😍
If you are now having a difficult moment in your life, I believe in you. 👍👍👍
I wish you all the best. You will succeed and everything will pass as if
nothing had happened and a bright day will come in your calendar. ❤❤❤


This music relaxes me so much that I feel like a calm and reasonable person


Perfect ancient ambience! We can imagin those space and era. I wish I could be born in that time..


i feel somthing i never felt before its my first time to listen to greek music, this is different


I play this in the bathtub and I feel like a goddess


Great for reading the Republic of Plato, thanks


Hercules: “Not gonna lie, this is a banger.”


I just want you to know I'm probably the person that's listened the most to this specific video. had it on repeat several hundred times at this point :) my go-to background string ambiance


Cannot iterate enough how much I love your name, Atmospherious. What clever titling. This music is very relaxing, thank you. My last exam is this Friday, so it's helping me get through it.
Here's a slightly unrelated story I have to tell, for anyone interested:

My father owns a business that is also sort of under the company he works for, and recently he's had to rename it. He didn't particularly care for its name, just wanted it done - left unnamed it was clogging financial business up. My mother had searched through African names, since she cares too much and that is where she and my father come from, but felt none of them were right for the business. I am a Classics student, so I brought up the idea of Greek and Roman names.

I said - after going through others such as Athene, Pandora, even Alcibiades - "Ulixes". My mother asks what that is. I tell her: the Roman/Latin name variation to the Homeric protagonist Odysseus, whom she was familiar with because during my stressful studying I had sort of performed the Odyssey to her, humouring her and bewildering her with the poem's action scenes and wonderful romance. I truly felt like a bard, sans the wondrous music sadly.

It was fitting, my father is something of an Odysseus himself. My brother is like the Telemachus of our household, only now beginning to reach the age I assumed Telemachus to be, and now he must learn to take care of himself (but of course his mother is not in need of looking after). My father works away, sometimes weeks at a time, without seeing us. He simply longs to be part of his own oikos, king of his own Ithaca, and return to his Penelope (my mother). But if I'm being honest, it's less so the family he misses (though he does so greatly), but more so for his home back in Namibia. That is truly his Ithaca, but unlike Odysseus, he may never return; the economy has fallen. And that renders him constantly miserable. It's very difficult to watch the poor wretch.

He has a large lists of achievements under his belt; very accomplished man. The whole world always seems against him. His men don't listen. I told him to tell the company he works for that they were the "Calypso to his Odysseus" in that they held him painfully captive, though I think the better captive comparison would be to England - he hates England. It's like taking a lion from his land and shoving him into a cold, iron cage, and telling him to just carry on. He's truly trapped and I am powerless to help. 

But not all is doom and gloom; we have land back home, of which will grant us money, enough to put a deposit down here, since we do not own a house. He says he'll be happier then. To make it better, also, he's taken up some crafting projects; something he hasn't done in a while.

Thank you for reading, if you did, I don't know why I just felt like telling my father's story. It goes oh so much deeper; he's had the craziest, most heartbreaking life, but I spare the details. He's a good man, just deeply troubled, and I hope he can find peace at some point.


Read Antigone to this, awesome ambience.


Reading Hesiod’s Theogony and Works and Days with your music on the background. 👍
