7 Dreams Revealing Your Prophetic Gift/Biblical Dream Interpretation!

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Have you ever had a dream that you're wearing glasses but you don't wear glasses in real life? There are certain elements in a dream that you may have missed, that point to a prophetic gift. In this video, I talk about 7 Dreams That Reveal Your Prophetic Gift!
*For a private dream interpretation via email, I accept a love offering of $55 USD Currency per dream.
Thank you for desiring to bless this ministry, and I pray that it has been a helpful resource as you seek to increase in knowledge and wisdom concerning dreams and visions!
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Yes 2 of them, when I was pregnant with my son..I could See him in my womb wearing glasses, I was worried that my son was going to born blind, so I told someone about the dream and she told me not to worry that he was going to see way more than we do.. 8 years now and its true, he knows and sees in dreams


Yes...I saw myself flying while we were in quarantine back in 2020, I could see through everyone's rooftop , and I saw people down on their knees praying


One day I woke up in the middle of the night questioning myself if I was a prophet. I didn’t even know what a prophet was. I’ve had dreams that have came true. Pregnancy dreams and people’s emotions. I have now accepted my calling and realized God rose me from my bed and pointed it out very clearly. God is good 🙏


Glory Lord, Father, we thank You for this teaching. Bless you Woman of God!


I'm a seer...Abba has revealed this to me years ago


Hi, im a dreamer, I see t.v, cell phones, flying, looking out windows, I pray for people in my dream and recently cast out demons and seeing witches and angels, talked to pastors in my dream also and under the sea .


Ive had dreams of windows, mountains, horses, demons, storms, and so much more. Never saw ears but God bless you for helping me gain understanding as to what they represent.


1. I dreamed of looking out windows several times, pertaining to both past and future events. Some of the times i looked out the window towards the backyard and got clarity regarding past events.
2.I dreamed of things before they happened a few times.
3. I dreamed I was in the company of an unknown group of Christian people at the DMV. One of them was a prophet. We were waiting in line there.
4. I had a disturbing dream where my husband told me there were bombs going off outside. I went out of the house and I could see them exploding out in the diatance.


In the past month I have had the following dreams:
1. My Pastor giving me a nod and saying "it is the appointed time"
2. Seeing a falling building in the middle of our town from far/the distance (I was in another area).
3. Flying in the air, met a green owl.
4. Prophetess from my church sending me gifts and an invitation to be one of the speakers at a conference session (They were more like beautiful craft gifts with price tags still attached, remember on of them had a 99)


Two dreams come to mind, in my waking life. I decided to visit my crush church. At the time, I didn’t know she was a pastor daughter. Being from New Orleans especially on my father’s side of the family. He learned witchcraft from his maternal great grandmother. The pastor called out that and a few other family curse that I have been battling. The crazy thing is that he didn’t know of me prior to that. I decided to join that church and have been a member since 2019. My 1st dream that similar to your description you just gave in this videos. My pastor and I was in a church. It was a church when I was a child. I’m not catholic but I attended mostly catholic school. So the church was the church I us to attend mass while I was in elementary school. Ok I’m the dream, I was my current adult age. In the church there were a lot of candles lit . I reach out to shake my pastor’s hand with my right hand. He knocked my hand away and told me the we are going to shake left hands so he reached his left hand out to me and I reach my left hand, we
Shook with left hands. That was the end of that dream. The next dream was this past summer. From a distance I saw some things like tornadoes. They were a pinkish purple light come from it. People were running, and hiding . It can directly towards. It hit me while I was inside of a house. I thought it killed me. I woke up in my waking life with amazement.


Hello, TY for this video. I dream between 3-5 dreams a night. I journal them. I’ve had the following: Looking out a window, Flying: standing straight up, not Superman style, seeing something others can’t see, & seeing and talking with John Paul Jackson.


My first dream or encounter I had I saw The burning bush, it was of blue fire, it was not consumed and in the dream, but the Lord was speaking to me, but upon waking I forgot what he said. Second dream I was in a library, and I saw an old woman as the librarian, my spirit knew this was wisdom. She was hiring me and said when I get this job do not forget my current. Then I heard Prophesy, Prophesy, Prophesy 3 times. My next dream, I spirit traveled to the garden of Eden and prophet Lovy read a scripture to me in an answer to a prayer I prayed . My next, I touched Prophet Lovys hand, there was a transference of anointing, and in the matter of one sentence, we stood on stage and cast demons out of thousands of people simultaneously in Jesus name. My most recent dream, I saw Tiffany Montgomery come to me as a waitress in a restaurant, as I am going through a lot right now, she gave me a tough love message of “ask and you shall receive “. The only one that I can identify with is the seeing of other prophets, as I have also saw Myself in ministry with Jalen Wilson, Shon and Camille Hedrick, and funny enough I actually was in consecration, and was shutting out prophetic voices at the time I dreamt about them. But moreover, thank you for this insight, and please if you see this, pray for me, I have been going through much warfare. God bless 🙏🏽🤍


I have seen visions while I am woke of Ears. I constantly have dreams of prophets, teaching me and giving me clothes.


I thank God for those who put there knowledge of dream interpretation to media! I am learning so much about the subject here. All these dreams Im having need to be seen from Gods point perspective :D


Wow now I understand why the enemy was trying to force something in my ears to stop me from hearing from God 😮


Just watching your video about prophetic gifts I’ve had many dreams about seeing things and people in the sky.


I love this. I have had prophets visit me in my dreams. I have looked out of windows. I am constantly flying in my dreams. I seen things from a far all of the time. I have heard, horns, sound system sounds in my ears. I have smelled the presence of Angels.(it is such a sweet, rich, oil smell). My God, Ms Monica your gift is amazing. I am ordering your book this week. Please do more videos. I have watched each video numerous of times. Your videos truly help me understand my dreams


Thank you for your videos Monica. They definitely helped me so much on my journey. Had multiple dreams of seeing through a window, one stood out to me most, because i was in an upper room with an important person that stood by me and asked me what I see, then offered me 2 large plates of cooked meat that he asked me to eat them both and it will help me with understanding a request I had in a prayer for my sick sister of epilepsy.
Then I always dream of driving a white car, every time it’s white and I notice that because I no longer own a white car, but in my dreams there’s times I receive a white car as a gift, and there’s times I’m on a mission in a white car.. ( which I would love for you to do a video on if you can)
Then seeing and hearing things other people don’t, being anointed on my forehead to the back of my neck by a well known speaker that has the word of knowledge and wisdom.


I was healing singing preaching and forseeing in dreams. Praise Yah


In this dream I was somewhere like a restaurant with several people. I felt as though I didn't know them well. There was this man there who actually looked Asian Indian. He was of dark complexion. Before we sat down to eat, it appeared that we were all standing and he walks over to me and places three fingers on my head. I close my eyes and I felt this presence and I heard these words, "Preach…you are a preacher." Then I opened my eyes and he removed his hand from my forehead and we started walking to our tables to sit down. As we were heading to sit down, there was a lady that mockingly said something about "Preaching?" She began to laugh and I woke up.
