Stow Selectmen Meeting 3 10 20

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BOARD OF SELECTMEN March 10, 2020 7:00 p.m.
Town Building
1. Public input
2. Chairman 's comments
3. Meeting minutes
4. Correspondence
5. Visit from Rep. Kate Hogan — Discussion of FY21 Budget process
6. Update: Sustainable Stow HeatSmart Program — Sharon Brownfield
7. Discussion re: Charter Review Committee — Moderator David Walrath
8. Town Administrator's report
a. Update re: van service to South Acton Train Station
b. Update re: PFAS at old Fire Station
9. Discussion re: Skills and aptitudes of next Town Administrator
10. Liaison reports
11. Discussion/vote to convene in Executive Session pursuant to MGL C. 30A, sect. 21 (a)(3) for the purpose of discussing strategy with respect to collective bargaining, and MGL C. 30A, sect 21 (a)(6) for the purpose of considering the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property, and to review
Executive Session Minutes
12. Adjournment
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