Spring Summer Wardrobe Switch Over, Declutter & Organisation 2022 | Mummy Of Four

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It's time for my Spring wardrobe switch 2022! In this vlog I am, sorting editing & packing away my winter cloths and getting our some spring pieces. I am also doing this for my daughters' wardrobes. If you want an organised, clutter-free wardrobe, a seasonal wardrobe change is the best way to achieve this.

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Hi rhi, all ready for the summer now, , it's good to sort the winter ones and put them away, thankyou for sharing your ideas xx👍🌞💕


Absolutely love these types of videos, gets me excited for summer! My love but hate job is when my daughter moves up a size, I love sorting all the new clothes into the wardrobe but hate having a huge pile of too small clothes and deciding what to sell, donate and keep😆


Hi Rhi, great video, Girls r getting so big now, they have a lot of beautiful dresses, bet ur glad that’s all done lol, take care xx


I usually do a fall/winter clothes and then summer clothes swap. In the Chicagoland area it kinda skips spring weather and goes from winter to summer! It’s still too chilly for short sleeves. I did get a good jump on decluttering my daughter’s summer clothes since we went to Florida for spring break! I’ll just have to do a double check when I do get the summer clothes out! It is a project switching over wardrobes!


This is so perfect idea feel like a treat and definitely going to get me some of that crease relies stuff as I hate ironing how long do you pop it in dryer


If the pink hangers haven't left the house yet, they might be handy for keeping in the airing cupboard for putting between the 'regular' hangers to space them out. We don't have an 'airing cupboard' in my house, but we will hang clothes over the bath on a line and we've used some of the hangers from when I was a child to separate them out. They're also remarkably handy for dog jumpers and coats when they're drying, same with dog leads if we've taken them to the beach.

I tend to wear the same clothes year round and only switch to sandals in the warmer weather since I struggle with temperature related sensory overload so wear fairly lightweight clothes anyways, but my mum does do a seasonal switch from jeans to shorts and jumpers to lighter sweatshirts and T-Shirts, in addition to shoes and socks. She's a care worker and whilst her company doesn't have a 'summer' uniform, she does switch to lighter weight trousers and fleece jackets/ hoodies in the summer- in addition to changing to trainer socks from ankle socks and to black trainers from more 'dress shoes' styles and from a warmer coat to a cooler one. Some of the care companies have a lighter 'summer tunic' or use polo shirts and I saw 'Trust' employed care workers wearing scrub tops during the really hot weather last summer (considering gloves, masks and aprons end up everywhere in our house due to my mum keeping some in her tunic pockets, the scrub tops are probably more practical than polo shirts, when my mum started at her current company she couldn't get a uniform in her size for the first week and was stuck wearing a plain white T-Shirt, she said she really missed the pockets) but her company have never done that. A lot of her clients keep their houses extremely warm year round so when a heatwave hits her and her colleagues often arrive home with sweat-soaked uniforms as the tunics are about the thickness of a school pinafore and have no moisture wicking properties whatsoever. Not fun.


Love your videos! Strange request if you’d be willing to sell any of it I’ve been searching EVERYWHERE for that blue stripe daisy jojo maman bebe dress! My daughter had it in 18-24 and would love the larger sizes! X


Australia is the complete opposite to wales, we are currently in autumn and heading towards winter


A lovely. Did a big clear out the weekend x


Girls are growing into very mature young ladies …


I don't know how you are with sewing, but you could possibly, if you know how, let out all the smaller things to get more wear time out of them for Zara. I love how you donate things that you can't use and don't just throw them away. I don't know a lot of people who do this kind of thing with their clothes. I don't know whether that's just because American space for clothes is bigger a lot of the time or whether people just don't bother who I know.


Delaying this until after the may bank
Holiday as forecast is cold !


I always loved dressing my girls the same 😊, sadly at 10 and 11 they point blank refuse 😭😭😭


This was a lovely video, the wardrobe switch & organise sounds and looks like a good idea. I definitely love my jumpers, and prefer wearing layers.

Might be time to sort out all my jumpers and store them away for another day.


Hey Rhi, hope you’re well. I’m happy, good and well thank you good evening love this Spring Summer wardrobe switch over declutter and organisation video. So happy I enjoyed this Spring Summer wardrobe switch over, declutter and organisation. Yes I totally understand having a clutter free organised wardrobe is the best way to achieve it. I love wearing all of my spring and summer clothes because it makes me happy. Can I also have a reply from you telling me what’s the name of the new video which is coming up tomorrow and on Thursday evening at 7pm from you? Can we see more what I eat in a day groceries hauls day in the life morning and evening night routines cleaning motivation clean with me extreme house clean with me all day clean with me cleaning routines get it all done with me declutter and organise with me spring summer autumn winter home organisation mum kitchen food cleaning hacks, DIYs and ideas amazon best buys monthly favourites family dinners ideas Ikea hauls videos and lots more lovely and beautiful videos coming from you soon. Take care stay safe and well. Have a wonderful evening and week. See you on tommarrow and with a new and Walt Disney video
