Building Banking-as-a-Service Platform To Accelerate Fintech Digital Transformation

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Our FinTech services

Use the cloud as a potential game changer to accomplish new business horizons in the FinTech landscape.

FinTech Apps
We develop top-notch fintech apps with our expertise in full-stack product engineering, AWS cloud-native, platform engineering, workflow engine with reporting, and legal document management. Our software development services for fintech providers include platform development, UX design, API and system integration, and security management.

AI/ML, Analytics, and Corp Bankruptcy
We can help you get an edge in the market with our big data and AI/ML-powered FinTech services. You can streamline predictive analytics, risk profiling, corporate bankruptcy automated client support, claim processing, and insurance and wealth management with us.

Digital Wallet and Payment Gateway
We enable you to build and deliver prolific digital payment solutions and payment gateways. We provide omnichannel customer experiences with our services, like online payment, e-wallet management, payment security, mobile integration, remittance, and instant transfers.

About Zymr

Build Healthy & Sustainable ‍Digital Ecosystems

We started a dozen years ago in Silicon Valley to build a cloud orchestration platform when the cloud computing industry was nascent. Soon, the word got out about Zymr's cloud-savvy skills, and our venture capitalist friends introduced us to help their startups in cloud-native platform engineering.

Over the past decade, we have perfected our cloud-scale technical skills, matured our agile development processes, and deepened our industry domain expertise. Our secret sauce lies in our design thinking culture and our deeply talented, dedicated, full-stack cloud engineers. Fast-track your Fintech legacy application modernization with Zymr – a leading FinTech software development company.
Our FinTech app developers are ready to assist you in your digital ecosystem engineering journey!

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