Why Gen Z Is Ditching Dating Apps & Turning Conservative | Isabel Brown

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Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Isabel Brown about Gen Z's changing dating landscape and how their disillusionment with dating apps is harming the dating app industry; why Gen Z is becoming more conservative than past generations; why Gen Z'ers are embracing traditional values and questioning leftist narratives in education and personal relationships; and much more.

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Isabel Brown
Author, The End of the Alphabet


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One step toward saving marriage is getting rid of no fault divorce. Since women initiate 80% of the divorces and usually reap the benefits from it.


Because Gen Z women finally learned that the top 20 % of men on these Dating Apps won't commit to them.


I pray the future for the younger generations are better than what we are living today. As a person who grew up in the 1980s and 90s, life was much nicer than.


Weddings are just fancy funerals with cake.


Gen Z men are more conservative, but many articles say that Gen Z women are far more liberal.


The average 19 year old woman has a higher body count than the average 50 year old. Yet she says Gen Z is conservative?


Why is GenZ still on the phone more than anyone else? For goodness sakes, Gen Z's bring their phones into the gym with them and end up forgetting where they are between sets because they keep getting distracted by their phones. Smash your phones, and then I'll start to believe they are in some way more enlightened than millenials.


Too late. You lost a whole generation of men like myself who saw my friends get dry reemed by divorce courts and lose everything to lying women. Marriage in America is not a worthwhile risk anymore. I don't have much, but I am not about to owe a woman the rest of my existence because she can lie, divorce me, and ruin me. I have a friend who still owes child support based on a job he had paid one summer of massive ot. He's not been allowed to see them for 12 years. His oldest is now a 19 year old in the airforce but he is still required to pay his crazy ex child support based on that 1 summer of ot pay. This is one area where Texas has it bad wrong.


Their mothers and grandmothers destroyed marriage.


While she may be accurately describing her group of friends and even her local community, she misses with iGenZ as a whole. We do see that male iGenZ have shifted conservative and big, but female iGenZ has moved in the opposite direction. Some of this is age, as younger people are generally more liberal than older people. But women as a whole are more liberal than men and iGenZ is no exception to this, so she's missing the conservative-liberal breakdown with the whole group.

As for the comments on relationships (dating apps/marriage), there is some truth to the fact that we have seen some decline in dating app users. Most of this is driven by men and it's worth remembering that men are over represented on the apps anyway. These men weren't having success, so what we've seen is them drop off the apps. The effect on the apps has already been noted.

Of the iGenZ who are open to marriage - we are seeing some of them marry earlier than we saw with Millennials. Of this group (only a fraction, not all iGenZ), they are marrying faster and younger than Millennials. Take the example of a young iGenZ girl with two older Millennial sisters who sees how lonely her older sisters are while pretending that they are independent women. In my research, I've had iGenZ girls tell me this exact story - "My older sisters act like they're independent when they really come home crying about how they're alone." As we could predict, these iGenZ girls have been much more open to settling down at younger ages because they know it won't be easier as they get older. Women drive marriage at younger ages. However, men drive marriage when they're older because older men are more aware of costs. This often goes missing in all research, but I've noted this as most young men in their late teens and early twenties are unable to resist getting married to a girl on their level (the reason most don't is because most men don't have this option). It goes to reason that if a generation of young women are open to marrying earlier because they don't want to be like their older sisters, we'll see faster rates of marriage for the girls who are open to marriage (whereas with Millennial women, they all grew up with the Sex and the City view that marriage was always going to be an option).

One reason why all my predictions on Millennials came true is because I recognized when people were saying things that they WANTED to be true, but were not. Never forget that people said to my generation that we were going to achieve great things because we were all raised with high self esteem and we had access to the internet. What have Millennials actually achieved? By contrast, I knew that neither the internet nor high self-esteem was the basis for success in anything and that's exactly what we see with my generation. While it's great to hear another person's perspective, it's also useful to know when we're hearing what we WANT to hear yet lacks truth. iGenZ is much more liberal than she's saying, even if that isn't true for her particular group.


Marriage is less appealing for men, women may still want to get married but I feel like men are less interested. You are betting half your possessions that you are going to stay with each other for the rest of your life.


This is a brilliant young woman! America needs many more like her. Having said that, if divorce laws in America don't change, marriage will not survive here as an institution.


Zs are all over dating apps and are the most sexually loose generation yet. This is copium cringe from Conservatives and I am a Conservative lol


Society's reaction to the Manosphere\Red Pill is very familiar to me - I got the same reaction from those around me when I stopped being a people-pleasing doormat. The Game doesn't work so well when the marks know what's up.


I can understand why women still want to get married, it’s a win win for them, especially in no-fault divorce states. In the other hand, it’s really difficult to understand why any man would actually view it as a good move. The pitfalls and potential/likely life destroying consequences so far outweigh the possible upsides.


"You literally know every single thing about someone". Perhaps the most regrettable thing about Gen Z is their misuse of the word "literally".


We need to get back to tue way it was before dating apps where men could approach women, we met through family and friends and just the community. We need to stop taking each other for granted and thinking we have a lot of choices. The paradox of choice is killing us.


Refreshing to hear an intelligent young lady for a change. However, I agree with many people on here. The current Western divorce laws have to change, because any man in his right mind will avoid marriage at any cost given the high probability of being divorce ape-ray'ed.


This is completely conjecture and wishful thinking 😂


Dating apps were just the computer dating of the 1970s, 1990s writ large. Didn't really work any better than it ever did, except that created a larger pool of sex partners.
