Panasonic 42' Full HD Plasma TV TH-P42U30A

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Panasonic Television
42" (106cm) Full HD Plasma TV
Industry-leading technology. Setting the standard for Full-HD performance

Smooth, flowing, optimised moving images

The 600Hz Sub-field Drive in VIErA Plasma TVs teams up with Intelligent Frame Creation Pro technology to deliver fluid on-screen movements. Intelligent Frame Creation Pro detects moving objects and optimises their flow, to smooth the image and ensure crisp movement transitions.

The perfect balance of light and dark

New VIErA TVs incorporate an improved panel production process and the new Real Black Drive system to achieve next-generation black reproduction. Thanks to VIErA's 2,000,000 Dynamic Contrast, images are rendered just the way the director intended, even in scenes where it's difficult to achieve a proper balance of light and dark.
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