K1OIK demonstrates the Hallicrafters HT-37

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That is the first transmitter I ever operated from our High School station.in about 1960 or 61. The call sign was W4SQK. Man this brings back memories.


When our family was in the hobby we got the real "Bad Boy" of gear makers for a first Xmitter. We got the World Radio Labs 300. We later got the SSB Converter. But mostly we just got on AM and blasted everyone with AM. THE WRL was a nastier version of the Johnson Valiant. But the Hallicrafters were mostly known for receivers.
In the movies, people always had Hallicrafters.
I remember in the Commander Cody serials the ruler of the moon men communicated with his evil agents on earth via a SX-88!! (Just check out what even u restored 88's are going for nowadays)


Interesting comment on intimacy...I have been licensed since 1962 when my call was WN5CVI. As I have gotten older, I have found that my needs and priorities have changed. I was first licensed when I was 13 and am now 64. As I have gotten older I have come to realize that I am feeling more fragile and that I need relationships more. I have needed intimacy more and have needed to not only hear, but speak the language of the heart more. Hence, I have not been on the air in a great while.


Great tx you have there, Burt! I have an HT-37 too, but haven't fired it up in 10-12 years. They have a reputation for producing the best transmitted SSB audio because they use the phasing method of SSB generation.
You might need a 1950s table to set it on, to stand up to the weight!


I'm restoring a HT-37, Sx-111 and an HT-41.


i am just a lowly cb/ssb talker and have been for years. i recently came across your videos about your ham equipment, your opinions and experiences. i have been thinking about obtaining my ham license for a bit now. watching a seasoned hammer such as yourself on here has shown me that i have so much to learn and how little i really know. it's quite intimidating to say the least. thanks for sharing all of this with all of us. what kind of equip do you suggest starting out with? thanks, derek.


I have one of these transmitters. Nice.
73 de Challenger N0RJP


Love the video Burt, dont make them like that now.Oh love the 5-9 comments made me laugh.


A Kenwood TS-140 or any inexpensive rig from a brand name company.


So weird this came in my suggested videos


Very nice Burt. I especially like how you go thru operation of all the controls. Cheers.


Burt you seem to share a keen interest in Vintage Ham Radio Equipment as I do including a realistic view about Ham Radio today with the hello and goodby 599 QSO's. I once called you egotistical but I now find you and your videos quite fun to watch. I've been a Ham for 55 years and I'm still going strong mostly on CW. 73!


Not 100% sure but I think it's against FCC rules to use a classy vintage transmitter with a modern MINIATURE transceiver.. Hi
Good looking HT 37, would look almost sexy paired wid a Hammarlund HQ XXX
Almost bought a 37 when I was a teen WN4AOS but alas my grass cutting funds would only allow me to have an HW16 and some xtals. But did I ever have fun with that ole Heathkit HW16

73 es gud dx


Very nicely done, Burt. I currently run a HT-37 paired with a Hammarlund HQ-170 receiver. After a 20 minute warm-up you are good to go.


Yup nice to see how things were. Nice vid. Did you enjoy your trip to Vietnam?


I stil have a HT 37 I use for testing antennas. It does have one major flaw and that is there about 5 stages of audio hitting the 6146s with no ALC !?Poor design and lacks talk power since without ALC, the audio gain control cannot go past 2-2.5 max.Also, the D104 has a impedance mis match with the input.These faults have been corrected in the HT44 which included AALC plus high meg ohm input to match the D104.The HT 44 with AALC had plenty of talk power. AALC ( amplified automatic load control ).Thanks for the nice demo.


Fun video, and your opinion spot on! Thanks WA4OYX


Burt, How does one generate a CW side tone, if the receiver is muted?  I am thinking about adding a vintage sation to my shack, but not sure how this is accomplished if the receiver is muted.  I already have a receiver (that can be muted), and a coax relay.


Boy does this ever bring back memories. Two of my brothers became hams. We always had National Radio equip. But all our friends generally had Hallicrafters. Those speakers with the big "H" in them were one of the great symbols of the hobby for years. Hallicrafters were sort of the great middle class rigs. Heathkits were sort of the chevys, Johnsons were sort of the Pontiacs, hammerlunds were.the Oldsmobiles and Nationals were the Cadillacs (the HRO's were a separate class) and the Collins were sort of a Super Cadillac. That was the pecking order. Then you had separate brands like Gonset and TMC.


I just acquired one of these, but I do not want to plug it in due to fear of damaging it.  What kind of price could one expect to pay for one that is untested?
