Trump holds campaign event in rural Pennsylvania aimed at farmers

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Donald Trump sat in a large barn in rural Pennsylvania on Monday, asking questions of farmers and offering jokes, but in a rarity for his campaign events, mostly listening.

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What happened with the frirst Debate on September 4th that the Former President Trump asked to Harris?
It was rejected!!!


The Trump Administration pushed for strict increased tariffs on foreign goods targeted mainly on China, but later expanding to tariffs on European, Japan, Canadian, and Mexican products as well.
"In the new economic trade war, US farmers lost access to import markets in China, which represented the second largest market for US agriculture export in 2017."
The Trump Administration initiated the trade war with China when it imposed tariffs on solar cells in 2017. After retaliatory tariffs hit the U.S., the Trump Administration imposed tariffs on "steel, " aluminum, and auto parts. Retaliatory tariffs by China targeted U.S. agriculture, specifically soybeans, which required the United States government to aid domestic farmers with a planned bailout program of $28 billion in aid to US farmers.
US farmers who earned less than $900, 000 a year of the agriculture products during the tariff/trade war with China could apply for bailout's.
Trumps tariffs hurt farmers so the US gave $28 billion in aid to farmers. More tariffs mean more bailouts for farmers costing taxpayers billions. Who is actually benefiting from these tariffs? It's sure not the farmer's or the taxpayers.
Read about the Trump-China trade war on steel, agriculture, and car parts. The USDA estimated that aid payments constituted more one than one-third of total farm income in 2019 and 2020.
Trump's tariffs are equivalent to one of the largest tax increases in the U.S. in decades. Studies have found that Trump's tariffs reduced real income in the United States, as well as adversely affecting U.S. GDP.


Studies have found that Trump's tariffs reduced real income in the United States, as well as adversely affecting U.S. GDP. Some studies also concluded that the tariffs adversely affected Republican candidates in elections.


Candidate Trump has proposed significant tariff hikes as part of his presidential campaign; we estimate that if imposed, his proposed tariff increases would hike taxes by another $524 billion annually and shrink GDP by at least 0.8 percent, the capital stock by 0.7 percent, and employment by 684, 000 full-time equivalent jobs. Our estimates do not capture the effects of retaliation, nor the additional harms that would stem from starting a global trade war.


PA full speech farmers listed all his accomplishments to protect Farmers. You are just showing the spliced version. This is disrespectful to the truth.
Protect Farmers in the USA.
The tariffs were mentioned.
But, getting first hand news on how it profited the farmers from the farmers fair trade deal is the Real Truth.


After a series of "Trump's Tariff" increases on Chinese imports, the government of China "retaliated" against U.S. exporters, as predicted by trade analysts outside of the administration. As a result, U.S. exports, particularly of agricultural goods, dropped significantly. Losing the world’s most populous country as an export market has been a major blow to the U.S. agriculture industry. Total American agricultural exports to China were $24 billion in 2014 and fell to $9.1 billion last year.” In 2018, U.S. farmers’ soybean exports to China declined by 75%. To cover for its own trade policy mistake of raising tariffs the Trump administration paid farmers more than America spends each year to maintain its nuclear forces and many government agencies. Observers note this has not proven to be a good deal for farmers, manufacturers or U.S. taxpayers. TRUMP ALMOST BANKRUPT AMERICA WITH HIS "TARIFFS'


Get rid of Con Man Trump once and for all 💙


and that's why he is not doing debate


All respect for farmers but shouldn't we be talking about global warming? How are farmers going to handle the destructive weather events increasing every year?The impact on farming will be more and more severe. How is this not a topic of discussion?


I don't want Kamala as my president i want Trump ❤❤❤❤❤


Candidate Trump has proposed significant tariff hikes as part of his presidential campaign; we estimate that if imposed, his proposed tariff increases would hike taxes by another $524 billion annually and shrink GDP by at least 0.8 percent, the capital stock by 0.7 percent, and employment by 684, 000 full-time equivalent jobs. Our estimates do not capture the effects of retaliation, nor the additional harms that would stem from starting a global trade war.
