Julia in 100 Seconds

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Julia is a dynamic general purpose programming language popular for scientific computing and big data analytics. It is extremely fast thanks to its use of a JIT compiler and allows developers to write concise, yet powerful code.

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- Julia basics tutorial
- Julia vs Python
- Julia vs R
- what is Julia used for?
- who created Julia?
- parametric types and polymorphism explained
- Julia type system explained
- is Julia easy to learn?
Рекомендации по теме

I love how you just casually finish with "can run on the GPU natively" like that's not a big deal


I've been using Julia in a few of my micro applications and the ecosystem/dev environment is not only very friendly and accommodating, but it is beautiful to write. It's a Love triangle of Ruby and C++ with python at the bottom.


I've changed to Julia from Python early in my scientific career (differential equations, numerical modelling) and it has been the best decision in my life!


You forgot one important aspect of Julia: index starts at 1, not 0.


Been asking for Julia in 100 seconds for nearly a year, and finally, here we are.
Thank you 😁


I love Julia! I hope it gets picked up for elective courses in compsci in universities, and built into graphic calculators. It makes math such a breeze! For one, it handles rational values with the // operator, so you can for example multiply 3//4 * 1//2 (to give you 3//8). It handles vectors and matrices and has SO many built-in math functions. Great language!


I Like how at 1:02 you typed .js then corrected yourself showing the love you have for JavaScript or maybe it's because you've covered soo many js frameworks that your muscle memory can't help itself but type .js whenever there's need of an extension


Julia is an amazing language. Fast yet concise code, but the true power lies in composability in my opinion. The way you can mix together custom types from many different libraries and make them smoothly work together is almost like magic. The package manager is also <3.

The problem I see at the moment is that the ecosystem needs to mature. Lots of projects need to converge into few reliable and well estabished libraries, so new users will find their way more easily. But we're getting there!


Julia is by far the most under appreciated language, love it


I've started a course on statistics and machine learning (regression stuff), in there they use scikit learn (python) and R.
While i kinda-like python (coming from c-style languages missing curly-braces and all the other stuff is very very strange =D ), R felt outdated and overly complicated, because its syntax feels very very inconsistent, so i searched for a more modern alternative and stumbled upon Julia.
It feels so much modern, consistend, well-thought through, it was like an epiphany, while i was fighting with R on many occasions, the Julia syntax just felt right, it was like "if i would be creating a language for maths and stuff, it would be exactly like this" =)


By far my favorite programming language. It's such a joy to write in that it almost makes you want to code


I think the best part of Julia is the differential equations library and it's amazing integration with Machine learning libraries. Scientific machine learning techniques like PINNs and neural ODEs are so much better in Julia than in pytorch or tensorflow.


I usually frown a bit when discovering new languages because of the complexity of reading the unknown tokens and syntax in general. Didn't happen with this one. Seems very straightforward and flexible. Deserves an upvote... Or like...


Really love the speed/optimizations this language has. Had this particular code in MATLAB that took an average of 6 seconds to run, porting it to Julia reduced it down to 0.3 seconds, scale that up to the hundreds of times I usually run that code and the time saving explodes.


I haven't worked with Julia. But have read some articles about it and found the language is perfect for what it was made for like machine learning, data visualization, and mathematics.


Woah! I remember suggesting Julia in one of your community posts but I never thought you'd do it.

Thank you for this! It puts into perspective just how much is crammed into Julia and all the features it has. You didn't even mention the metaprogramming aspect, one-based indexing, column-major order, REPL workflow, etc., but for a short video like this it sure is jam-packed.


I was so hoping this video would come. Julia is a blessing for any scientific work


Really cool language, everyone says they had to use it for comp sci but I had to use it for linear algebra in my uni class. Pretty useful!!


Because of your 100 seconds series, I don't have to keep trying all the languages out there by myself and struggle through the docs. Thank you!


Using Julia at work now to do some cool things. First time I see one of your videos on something I already knew, made me appreciate your channel even more. Keep up the great work!
