Brain Surgeon REVEALS How To Heal Trauma & DESTROY NEGATIVE THOUGHTS! | Dr. Rahul Jandial

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Rahul Jandial, MD, PhD, is a dual-trained brain surgeon and neuroscientist at City of Hope in Los Angeles, California. Before finding his calling in the operating room, Dr. Jandial was a college dropout and worked as a security guard. As a surgeon, he now provides complex surgical treatment to patients with cancer. As a scientist, his laboratory investigates the biology of the human brain. Throughout his career, he has authored 10 books and over 100 academic articles.

His latest book, Life on a Knife’s Edge: A Brain Surgeon’s Reflections on Life, Loss and Survival, is a beautifully written account of the resilience, courage and belief he has witnessed in his patients, and the lessons about human nature he has learned from them.Ripped straight from his own personal experiences, Dr. Jandial pulls back the curtain to reveal the depth of a surgeon’s psyche that is continuously pushed to its limits.

I’m so pumped to share this episode with you all. I think it will shed a light on the things we ALL need to be focusing on more, the things we need to be worrying about less, the critical skills that will help us lead richer lives, and so much more. And now, please join me for Episode 1,249 of The School of Greatness!
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I turned 78 years old on April 9, 2022 - and I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.


I had a massive stroke in 2016 at the age of 46! Paralyzed on my left side of my body and a slew of cognitive issues and my number one advice is stay That is important! I don’t care how you do it? But friggen make it happen because your whole being will respond and follow suit! I went plant based after about 6 months and all the so-called experts thought I was nuts but I started healing and everyone was amazed at the progress I was making! Everyone else seemed stuck but I felt great considering how bad off I was, everyone is different and every stroke is different but I was starting to heal and make huge gains! Believe in yourself and stay positive! Only you know you better than everyone one else! Peace people!


As someone who is dying from degenerative rare diseases, this actually gives me some hope for a better quality of life until my end. Thank you so much for having such an incredible interview!


This is soo much education about the brain. My son died from brain injury. He was knocked off his bicycle by a hit-and-run driver, and died from his brain injuries, while he body was alive, 7 organs and tissues were donated.


This conversation is more than just the brain. It's really about life and living as a full human. Profoundly refreshing.


“Get to the business of living, instead of being encumbered by the pressures and anxieties of life” ❤️👏🏽


I like that he said that we shouldn't judge the severity of the situation causing the trauma. I am reminded that it doesn't matter if you are drowning in an ocean or a small and deep pool, you are drowning just the same.


I just love him because he’s so highly educated and so highly skilled yet he doesn’t talk like that in fancy words and all conceited but he talks real down to earth almost like straight talk make some very relatable what a wonderful suggestion to if you find the love of your life to hold onto it what an amazing amazing advice


I can confirm this! My nephew had half his brain removed to stop seizures. 20 years later he has 2 kids, has full brain functioning, and the only physical issue is a slight limp and a hindered ability to use one arm/hand. It’s incredible.


I love that “we are new everyday” not hardwired as we think


This is what Internet is actually made for. Absolutely mind stimulating conversation. My mind is blown away by the video, least I would say.


As a Christian this interview brings me to tears because it brings the scripture into full color. Thank you, you increased my faith and reminded me of what a good good father I have. 💛🙌


I had my third Chemo today. And came across this video as I was resting🙂 Before getting my diagnosis I was on a life journey of transformation with absorbing healthy habits eating healthy, exercise and meditation to be a better functioning human being. Transforming my way of thinking was the most challenging. Killing that ego. and thru this Journey I was diagnosed with stage 2 cancer. And let me tell you YES my mind has led the power and strength I needed. I cried for 30 minutes hugged my loved ones and assured them it would be ok. Got my team of Doctors and game plan. And have meditated thru it and live every day as a grateful human being. Im am happier now and more grateful to live every second than ever before. The mind holds such great power. I wake up with a smile every day. Great video!!🙏🏼 thank u


This was so interesting, my brother is actually a survivor from a brain injury. He was in a comma for months, he was young only 7 years old and so was I so am not sure how long he was really presumed brain dead. But we did have a miracle, with no brain activity and 3 heart attacks he is now a 43 year old man. He has disabilities but he is an artist and absolutely good human. I believe my mother made the miracle, she never left his side, he woke up had years of recovery and we now believe it was a miracle and a moms ❤️ love.


AMAZing interview!
I’m a survivor of open cranial surgery, after a ruptured cerebral aneurysm above the brain stem decades ago. I’m a passionate learner of all things brain wellness. Thank you 🤗 🧠


Love this. I had a severe traumatic brain injury in the 80s, when I was a child. Doctors didn't understand neuroplasticity, but I had a kind of instinctive awareness of it, so I didn't listen when they said I wouldn't recover.

My IQ had dropped 7 years. Couldn't read, speak, or write. I worked on it all myself, as I was given no speech therapy. Now have an English Degree, am a bestselling author, and was a magazine columnist for 6 years. IQ is now top 2%.


I think this was the last piece of the puzzle that I needed to solve everything in my life. 2021 was the worst year of my life, I was in a dark place and so much suicide thoughts that is caused by stress from work, loneliness, past trauma, uncertain future. So, I started to exercise and eat healthy as a 2022 new year's resolution, also started therapy and cleared my mental health problems that I have had for over 10 years which was caused by a series of traumatic experiences as a child. Now I feel I'm constantly on 'Zen mood' with so much focus, energy and creative thought, but never fully understood why I'm happy now, so this forced me to do a ton of research into exercise and nutrition and it was very easy to follow through and learn the impact of food and exercise on mental health and overall wellness. But understanding mental health is extremely complex and I took me a while to really try to understand what mental health really is. This interview really connected all the dots between mental health, exercise and food in a very informative, scientific and convincing way. Thank you so much for helping me better understand myself. I cannot wait to get my hands on his book.


This guy is so on point with the examples he gives to each question, it reflects so much passion and knowledge.


Imagine that, a brain surgeon taking mental health 🙌 get to the business of living your life, doing what's important to you ... Great way to put it! 🙌
