Men Should Pay For Everything?

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Thank you. Finally someone sees "being a team" is what it's all about.


Spot on. I have been dating this great guy for the past 7 months. He paid for the meal on the first date. When we went on the second one I asked him if he would be okay if I paid for this one.

Bottom line is that I still pay when we are out and he does too. I can’t tell you that it’s 50/50, but I explained to him early on that I think it’s crazy to expect the guy to pay for everything.

I would never be comfortable with having a man pay for everything. It’s just not realistic. It’s a partnership!


Funny. The best women I’ve dated did the “I don’t mind splitting the bill” dance on the first date. They ended up being very chill and down to earth.


My gf doesn't make nearly what I make, so I volunteer to pay for almost everything when we're together, and even then she still chooses to pay for some stuff for her when we go out. It's very healthy and we're closer now because we can and do talk about money and stuff like that.


During my divorce, my soon-to-be ex-wife declared, "What's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine." Little did she know that my net worth would increase fourfold shortly after the divorce, while she ended up supporting her new husband. It turns out she was right after all: "What's hers is hers, and what's his is hers." Can't believe I let that wonderful woman slip away.


As a man myself i like to pay for everything because i like to spoil people that i date but im kinda financially stable so i can do that without worrying too much and i think it really comes down to if the man is financially stable or not
Women often dont realize how attractive it is for them to offer to split or to invite a man for some dessert after the food, its like a very nice way of saying "hey money is not my main focus just like you like to spoil me i want to spoil you from time to time"


It’s always nice to hear the voice of reason. I think it would be great for you to do what you’ve done in the past with interviewing and reviewing expectations with a demographic that is between 30-40. The game, expectations and preferences changes and it would be interesting to see what those discussions reveal.

Thank you Courtney for the videos 👍🏼


One of my personal worst scenarios was dating a girl who insisted I pay for all the meals and would then just pick at it and eat nothing. I was literally throwing money away and suspected she had an eating disorder. Of course, she would pay for nothing. Lesson learned there.

The best relationship I have seen is a married couple I am friends with. Man was a top commercial lawyer, woman is a top director of marketing for a shoe company. They had to emigrate here to Canada for her job and he willingly left his lucrative law firm so she could work up here. She now pays for everything while he works as a beer brewer as he is not allowed to practice law up here so he pursued his passion as a full time job knowing it was a huge financial sacrifice and they are both totally cool with this because they are a true partnership.


Thanks for addressing this topic, Courtney! I use to run tests on women I’ve gone out with: let’s say if I pay for dinner and she offers to buy me coffee or snacks when we do a movie after, she definitely passes, or if she offers to pick up the check at some point within the
3rd date, that also impresses me. I’ve gone out with someone who didn’t even bother to bring her purse on the 2nd date and I wasn’t compelled to ask her for a 3rd.😊


When my wife and I started dating, I wasn't that well off so I spent what I could but we did agree that I would pay for one meal and she'd pay for another. When we married, we pooled our salaries into one account (minus a little "play money in individual accounts). My wife and I are a team and she is a great team mate. I'm so thankful for her.


It’s one thing to appreciate a man when he pays the bill in full. It’s another to demand that he does because he’s a man. We as men already want to take care of women, but it’s the entitlement that ensures we won’t do it


Ngl been pretty sad the past few days… I wanna say thank you for continuously putting a smile on my face ❤️


When my wife and I were getting married, we were talking about rings and she said to me I would rather spend the money on a house together (I still got her a ring just not a 20k one). That meant so much to me as she wanted something for each other instead of herself. We have been married for almost 20 years now and have 3 daughters. The landscape has changed so much and that is why I watch these videos. I try to show my girls how I treat there mother, and how we live our lives . Leading by example in my opinion is the best teacher and hopefully they will see how we each have our part in the family and how successful we are as a couple. My daughter once said that my wife is living off of me because she is a stay at home Mom. I was very quick to let her know that I could never do what I do if I didn't trust my wife and knew that everything was good at home. Trust is key, knowing who you are getting married to without the rose colored glasses and being honest by asking is this who I want to spend rest of my life with. Something I think a lot of couples skip because it may be uncomfortable.


I’ve had a number of dates where I paid the first time and the women replied that she gets to pay the next time. Not only is that a green flag for me but is shows she’s interested enough to have in a second date with me. It’s a win win.


I’ve definitely run into too many of the wrong girls because they either don’t know how to budget money, don’t work at all, or don’t even work a good enough job to support themselves. Of course I’m always the one making more but even that’s not the main thing for me. I’m so glad I’ve been removed from the dating scene with my last relationship being over 2 years ago. I couldn’t handle trying again and being disappointed in some other way, even with me at a point where I have no expectations or believing in anybody doing any good.


Oh Courtney, Courtney..
So well-intended.

"Money is the number one reason for divorce".

It is also the number one reason for marriage.

We will wake up once we realize that love has nothing to do with money. It never has. It never will.


I have watched dozens of your videos and wanted to compliment your parents on doing such a wonderful job raising you. You have such a level-headed approach to dating that is rarely seen today, especially among modern women. You're fiance is a lucky guy, be sure to remind him of that daily. You're a reminder that there are a few diamonds still out there. I hope you have a wonderful marriage together. I'll be here continuing to watch your future videos.
P.S. You don't have any younger sisters do you?


Personally, I've never dated women like that. Never paid or was asked to pay for nails, hair, etc. Never dated women who didn't gladly pay for certain things or treated me. That's what women do when they actually like you fellas. You do for each other.


I always appreciate a Courtney Ryan upload. I miss your Instagram posts 😊


THANK YOU for taking on this topic!!! I'm a woman who's always "gone Dutch" on dates. To me it's a matter of FAIRNESS--as well as, letting a man know if I go out with him it's NOT that I had nothing better to do but, getting a free dinner/concert ticket/ etc is nice. I want a man to know I actually want to spend the time getting to know him. I'm NOT a "Material Girl"--so, this new generation's obsession with money & expensive "designer" stuff is a mystery to me! There's many ways to deal with money in a relationship. One of the best ways I ever got was with my partner of 20 years. He made 3 times as much money as I did (I was a service worker/freelance writer;he was a blue collar worker in a union). He came up with the idea of :sliding scale for our household expenses, saying"You could give me your entire check and it wouldn't pay 50% of the bills." (He had bought a house before we met). I hope we can break this whole TRANSACTONAL relationships deal. It's killing romantic love!
