Hands Down, The Best Way to Cold Approach Women. Never Get Rejected, I Promise.

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Hands Down, The Best Way to Cold Approach Women. Never Get Rejected, I Promise.
Hey guys, I decided to share my way of how i make cold approaches. I came up with this formula a long time ago, and I have done about 100 approaches using this formula and I never gotten rejected.
Guys, women are very simple and predictable if you understand female psychology. This approach lines up with women's thinking, that why it works so well.
So, try it for yourself, and Im sure it will change your life.
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Make no mistake guys, you WANT to be rejected by girls that aren’t interested in you. You have to consider that women will often give you their number or instagram just to end the interaction with you because they know that guys will go away once they get it. A number doesn’t equate to scoring, she can easily not text you back or not be interested. Just something to keep in mind


Instructions unclear. Still single but now own several different female's perfumes. Please send help.


I was in the club with 2 of my buddies once. I was just there to have fun and not to meet Girls. While we were dancing, I noticed a girl glancing at me over and over again. My buddy told me to finally approach her, but I wasn‘t interested. I was having eye contact with her over and over again, Smiling, but no talking. Fast forward and she is standing next to me, Almost pushing her ass into me. I then asked her „okay, why dont you tell me your Name?“ I ended up kissing her That Night. I am a 5‘7‘‘ average White guy. Dont lose hope and dont force it and you will find success.


1. Analyse the surrounding
2. Watch her body language
3. Don't scare her
4. Show that you are interested
5. Start casual conversation
6. Show your confidence
7. Don't be straight forward
8. Dress your age
9. Look like a man


Thank you for educating us men of how to be masculine. This is really a gem especially in a world where men are becoming more femininie and weak than ever


In essence he says to be emotionally intelligent and be able to deduce the person of interest's mood and body language.


It's refreshing to find someone who thinks about approaching women the same way. When I tell people I never get rejected, they think I'm delusional. If you prematurely ask a woman a yes-no question, you basically force her to say no to you, and the second no would be much easier for her. You should avoid it. Plus, it lowers your confidence as well, and confidence is necessary for successful dating.


I would do this in clubs all the time. I’m not making women uncomfortable approaching and overwhelming them, I’ll either be with my friends or when I’m at the bar I’m always analysing the area seeing if there is anyone in particular that will catch my eye, if they don’t give me eye contact or give me a double look then I won’t pursue, but if someone does then I’ll give a smile, you need to make yourself seem approachable.


You know what’s funny, i thought i wasn’t good at talking to girls but i did this exact thing a few days ago subconsciously


To be honest, I think the thing that kept her interest was that he said he had 2 million subscribers and could giver her exposure for her channel. If it was not for that, the conversation might have ended sooner. Also she seemed nice, unlike American women.


its always the small channels that have the best information. great work man


It’s true what he says! I remember a Time that I wanted to enhance my social skills, specially with women! And I started approaching girls outside! The funny thing is that I did not do it to get numbers or to get to know them, cause most of them I didn’t like, it was just to desensitize myself of the fear of a bad outcome or being rejected!

I remember that I even reached an unthought point in which I started talking to girls in a crowed shuttle and having a good casual conversation with a pretty girl, I got her number


Idk. Some girls have a resting face that looks mean or just irritated but they actually In a good mood 💀


Good advice. Eye contact works. There was a cute girl on my train. I basically just looked her straight in the eyes each time I saw her but made no contact and didn't even smile. Eventually she would gravitate toward me and position herself to me near me, including on the morning platform. Eventually she decided to stand in the train right across from me and so I approached her and talked to her. Worked nicely.


I only randomly stumbled upon this video, but this is the first guy that actually makes sense all the way through. And he's right about all those pick up line videos. They are just full of advice that will definitely get you rejected. His approach makes sense and is practically easy, depending only on understanding a couple of principles that he kept on explaining. I agree with basically all of them. Reading the surroundings, noticing a girl and noticing her a couple of times before anything actually happen, and then signal the openness by eye contact and simple gesture of nodding, and then letting her come to you - that sounds like a perfect beginning. Then playing it cool by not being needy, or acting like a clown doing a jokes all the time. That sounds about right. Don't be afraid to show, or say, what you will tolerate, and what you will not, that gets you respect in women's eyes. I like the way he describes it as something happen in their heads and they can't control themselves. That's funny and true.

The only thing I would add is that it's important to have a rough plan (generally). Not detailed immediate plan, but rough plan like - where to go when things go right, what to say whey her friend show up, how to play when the competition enters at some point. Just think about those things before going out, and decide roughly what you'll do or say in those challenging moments, so you don't slip up purely by the lack of foresight. That would be my advice. Otherwise, kudos, very nice video, looking forward to hear more from his channel. Peace.


This definitely explains why I haven’t gotten much results from cold approaching back in the day, even with women seeming interested in me. I wish I applied all what you said in the video before 😅 (I especially never analyzed any situation)


Yes, I've actually never felt comfortable doing cold approaches apart from when gulping my 5th drink in a nightclub :) A couple of my friends too high on watching RSD videos would run after girls and come up to them in shopping malls and it often felt forced. I've asked them afterwards, turns out those approaches led to nothing.

But every now and then in the daytime and in the most trivial of places, I would get these situations that were simply begging to be explored! Like a random girl dropping a bit of her ice cream on my shorts or another girl behind me at the checkout getting nearly all the same items as I did.. these situations are gold! Usually the ice is already broken by the hilariousness of the situation itself and you just have to ride it forward just like a surf board!

Not all approach situations are as nicely set up for you, of course, but if you have enough imagination (and practice), you can even turn an awkward silence with someone in a lift into a thriving interaction with a result in the end.


My method is building social value, by cheering peeps, and having small conversations with everyone. this is no problem bcos I'm also looking for business opportunities (or hobby ops, or music gigs or whatever), so girls are not the only reason I go out. Peeps around the club know I'm the popular guy. Then I recline to the bar, and see who want's more. Usually someone will come up. If not, then it's no problem. I just go somewhere else or call someone. Or even go home.


i found same- genuine dont give an F, indifference works magic, its the emotional state that determines the outcome, this guy 100% over target.


Actually a gem. Usually these videos don’t actually hit when other youtubers do them but yeah as someone who throws a lot of parties I can say this is the most solid way.

I mean yeah just point, nod, do whatever similar. One of my boys winks and it always works but he’s 6’6.

Just do it and then yeah be a bit contrarian that’s solid.
