Introduction to PandasAI : Generative AI for data analysis || PandasAI tutorial

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Generative AI is advancing rapidly into our lives. We see numerous tools and technologies being developed using generative ai (like ChatGPT) that enhances our work

Recently, a new library came into popularity, that combines the data exploration and analysis of Pandas with conversational capabilities of generative AI

One could generate plots, perform data processing, impute missing values, generate analysis on dataframes and other structured data using simple text based conversational commands

Learn more about PandasAI in this tutorial and explore the magic

[Note: The library is still under development and is currently not very accurate with open source models]



Why learn #datascience ??

"Data Science is the sexiest job of 21st century"

If you are a #btech student, #diploma in #computerscience, #graduate looking to #career #transition into #datascience , #machinelearning, #dataanalysis, this is a place for you

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Why learn from datahat??

"Datahat is a bridge"
learners --- professionals by simplified data science

It provides a platform to learn, create and collaborate helping in the #career #transition to data science, machine learning and data analysis

Understand the broad domain of data science and its related subdomains in machine learning, data analysis, data engineering in a self paced, #structured and #guided learning

Additionally, here are few more useful resources for beginners and curious data enthusiasts

Remember, "the greatest investment ever made is investment in self growth and learning"
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Thanks 🌹,
How to use open source LLM from hugging face locally using ctransformer library with Pandas Ai in offline mode?


Really interesting., ,
Can we expect the response in visual? instead of text ?
