If Ignorance is Bliss, Why Seek Knowledge? #UnplugWithSadhguru

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A student at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University asks Sadhguru why people seek knowledge when ignorance is bliss. She gives the example of how she was disturbed to learn how her family suffered in the Kerala floods, and would have been happy if she was ignorant of it.

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The Wisest person living on planet 🌎 right now. Pranam Sadhguru 🙏


We r the only one who can find answer of problems in our life. Guruji can only guide us. Give more time to listening your inner side than talking and finding videos. U will get the solution. That's my personal experience.


Rally for Rivers. Hats off to the Enlightened Master. You are so correct absolutely. Pranams Sadhguru


Great insigh about ignorance.
By the way, those drum hits always strike me in the end like a thunder, especially with headphones.


Something brought me to this video and I was not disappointed. I find more and more that people have their own flavor of interpretation and word choice... I think I've drawn a new understanding from this... Like throwing something at the fruit of a tree to benefit me. The tree is getting it's own satisfaction and meaning... And so do I as I consume.

Seeking knowledge is a way to prepare. Ignorance is bliss because of a lack of awareness. A lack of involvement. Seeking knowledge is an act of awareness.

I think I've gotten into the bad habit of seeking knowledge for knowledge sake instead of it's practicality. I am the sun when I want to be a laser. The rays race everywhere at once.

This has got me thinking now. Thank you.

I wonder if the opposite of bliss ignorance is bliss over-knowing/learning. If you are seeking and gathering as a form of distraction, perhaps that will also cause you to "drown."


How a person can have this much knowledge he has answers to every questions asked he is so quick and answer are so wonderful


Pranam sadhguru, you are breaking all the knots in my thoughts and answerless questions in my mind accumulated for years, and it gives me taste of Thanks a """"🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Sadghuru, you are undoubtedly very wise. I seek council in the knowledge i find you give on the internet. For which i am very grateful. However, Ignorance and Knowledge are two sides of the same thing. You may only come to the realisation of knowledge to the extent that you have come to the realisation of ignorance. I agree that heavily relying on ignorance for bliss will at some point catch up with you, as you have said, at which point knowledge may become necessary to bring a measure of balance and clarity in ones own life. I do not see them as irreconcilable opposites, but as different degrees of expression of the same thing. Knowledge is born of ignorance. To be aware of this ignorance is having knowledge. To be aware of the truth of their sameness, is absolute bliss. Thank you!


Our ignorance may somehow make us escape but it'll get our children.
They will not get away, next generation will get it.


The girl watched Miss India 2000 final round.


There can be no better explanation and logical conclusion to the question.. i hope the concerned people listen to him..


Every answer with an example... And that example clears all doubt in a second... 👍👍 Respect


We must act in our knowledge and must become still in our ignorance.


We can ignore the people around us but not the problem around us...👍


Very well said sadguru 🙏..India's main problem is that we are still stuck with colonial mindset..we need to get back to our sanatan Dharma 🙏..


Solution to our every problem
Sadhguru 🙏❤️✨


Beautiful way of explaining why " Ignorance is NOT Blessing".


Sadhguru is full of answers and possesses all the solutions in the world for enlightening and educating minds through his intelligent and powerful mind. The use of the intellect is very vital to succeed, achieve happiness in this rapidly changing world. Main point is to pursue new knowledge in order to eliminate ignorance and increase level of awareness to higher for living a meaningful and purposeful life with education because life is all about learning experiences which lasts a life time for it being apart of the process. Thus continue to keep gaining wisdom for benefiting our lives and others in order to be informed and aware.


Just came back to this video, and im going through this exact phase of ignorance. I feel like im drowning or falling like you described and unfinished business needs to be attended to.


so thankful for him and all he is giving. Love
