Amir Tsarfati: What Did You Expect the End Times to be Like?

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I am not sure what you've heard about the End Times but Jesus Himself promised us tribulations, but He said to be of good cheer.

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I'm grieving over my son Christopher my only child, though he is with Jesus and Abba Father and I will see him again when God calls me Home. I yearn to go Home. And LORD God Almighty take care of Amir and Behold Israel ministries around the world. In Jesus Mighty Powerful Living Name Amen 🙏🇮🇱🇱🇷♥️


I believe most Christians are looking forward to His return but many are concerned for love ones and friends who are lost and are concerned for their salvation. Those lost need to see the joy of Jesus Christ in our lives and to hear the word of Truth from our mouths and thru our actions communicating the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ the great I Am. Yes, there are those who are babes in the faith who need to read God’s Word and to live according to His promises. The Bible tells us about the Church which is neither hot nor cold for God. If you ever had Luke warm water you want to spit it out. Our citizenship is not of this world but in Christ. But, while we are here we are to do His will in both good and bad times. He told us we would have tribulation in this world. Some more than others but we are to run the race focusing on God and doing His will. Get into His Word, be in prayer, listen to Him and run the race. Times will only get more difficult until His calling of the church and His return. As Christians we have already won. We must proclaim the gospel to the lost.

I really like this ministry..


I needed to hear this. It puts everything into perspective.
I can't wait to see Jesus. We are going home soon.


Needing prayers for my Grandchildren 🙏🙏


Concerned but knew it was coming. Praying for my unsaved children. Noah's children were spared because of Noah, this was a teaching I learned from a Messianic pastor. One can hope and pray and keep talking to them. Sadly they may have to go through the tribulation but may be saved because they will see what I told them was true and read my journal. They know about the journal.


I am not sad. I know that all things will be taken from us. I also know that this is not my home.
Time to hold onto Jesus as tight as possible- knowing that the truth is that He is holding onto us!!


The Lord is on the throne, and he's got everything under control, soon we'll meet him in the clouds, so look up, and rejoice


I think what bothers most Believers is the way wicked people succeed with their evil deeds and we can't do anything about it. Even King David wrote a lot of his psalms lamenting the same thing. Of course, he brings the focus back to praising God and that the wicked will perish and the righteous, eventually, will be vindicated in the end. Praise God!!!


Heavenly Father is polishing us. Rejoice, He Will Prevail. Emmanuel means God With Us.


Praise the Son of Man our Lord Jesus Let God's will be done...


The world is troubling to a certain extent, however I'm not worried about a thing I know we're going to go through hard times, death is not forever, when it comes I'll embrace it knowing that I'm going home, and nobody can take that from me, I know what's coming, Almighty God has prepared me for such a time as this ... We only die once🌿🌹😇


Oh Amir your good for me - this morning I woke up singing - Thank You Jesus .. best morning for ages - 🥰


Thank you for encouraging us Pastor Amir. Love listening to your teaching. We are foreigners here. Praise God Jesus is coming soon to take us home. God bless.


I’m just sad my 3 adult children are not saved 😭 please pray for them as I too pray for all who are lost 🙏


"Fear not, O Land; be glad & rejoice, for the LORD has done marvelous things! Do not be afraid, you beasts of the field; for the open pastures are springing up, & the tree bears its fruit; the fig tree & the vine yield their strength." Joel 2:21-22🌬🕊
Prayers for humanity, stay kind. ✝️


Amir, the Media that so many people see and hear is not reporting ALL that is occurring in this world. Some people say there have ALWAYS been rumors of wars... etc.
They don't realize that it is so so much worse.
Thank you for your diligence in constantly, consistently showing us the extent to which it is much worse than ever before in history. And that it is happening so much quicker than ever imagined.
Things will not get better and stay that way... God's word tells us that.


Amir, I am guilty of disappointment and sadness though I know all these things must pass. Like today I also have my good days. Light comes after the darkness so I know that everything will be ok. God bless you all and I hope to see you all in the sky 😊


Yes instead of being sad we have to be reminded of this word of the Lord. "Be of good cheer" oh thank you Lord for this comforting word from you!


I’m DEFINITELY encouraged when I see what’s going on in the world especially Israel / Syria! Damascus is about to fall! 💥💥🙌🏻🙌🏻


God bless you pastor Amir.
prayerd for you.greeting from Singapore and Srilanka.
