How To Build a 6-Figure Stock Portfolio from Scratch

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Dividend growth investing is a fantastic strategy. I've personally used this strategy to go from below broke at age 27 to financially free at 33. I now manage a very large dividend growth stock portfolio. I mean "large" in every sense of the word.
It's got over 100 stocks in it, so it's large in terms of holdings. It's valued at well into the six figures, so it's large in terms of value. And it produces enough dividend income for me to live off of, so it's large in terms of passive income production.
I did all of this without a high-paying job or a college degree - after growing up on welfare as a kid. So I know that this is possible for just about anyone out there. But how do you actually go about building a dividend growth stock portfolio?
The first tip? You should create a plan before you start creating a portfolio. Otherwise, you're flying blind.
This should be a business plan, because you're a businessperson investing in businesses.
This business plan should lay out everything related to capital allocation and overall portfolio construction, including which stocks to buy, how much stock you'll buy each month, how many stocks you will own, why you will buy stocks you'll buy, when to buy stocks, how much income you want to produce from the portfolio, and by what date you want to accomplish all of this.
Before I started investing, I had all of this laid out.
One of my big objectives was to become financially independent by 40 years old. But I just couldn't wait that long, so I was even more aggressive than I originally planned on in terms of frugality, working, hustling, saving, and investing. Other than speeding things up, most everything else I originally laid out is what I'm still working with to this day.
Which stocks should you buy?
It's up to you. But I stick to high-quality dividend growth stocks. This is a universe of hundreds of world-class businesses that produce reliable, rising profits and pay out reliable, rising cash dividends to their shareholders. I've talked about dividend growth investing almost to the point of ad nauseam, but that's only because it's a dead horse worth beating. These truly are some of the best stocks in the whole world.
Where do you find these stocks?
It's an invaluable resource that contains data on more than 700 US-listed stocks that have increased their dividends each year for at least the last five consecutive years. World-class businesses like Apple Inc., Johnson & Johnson, and Lockheed Martin Corporation are on this list. As are hundreds of others.
So how many stocks should you own?
Not having a time frame in mind would be like setting out on a road trip without any idea as to when you will get there. Nobody would do that. You would know where you're going, why you're going there, how you're getting there, what speed you're traveling at, and when you'll get there. All the same, there should be a time frame in mind in terms of what date you want to build a certain-sized portfolio by, which will produce the passive dividend income you need to have the lifestyle you want to live. When you build that kind of framework, which will be based on your particular finances, you almost can't help but succeed over the long run.
#6FigurePortfolio #DividendGrowthInvesting
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