M50 Lens Review: If I could only have one lens for the Canon M50, this would be the one.

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Viltrox and similar companies can save APS C imo. Esp for amateurs and hobbyists


I have Viltrox 23, 33 and 56 for my M50. I've been waiting for 13 but it looks like Viltrox won't make it. This trio is great to use on the gimbal because all 3 lenses are identical in size so I can change them on the gimbal without rebalancing. Little difference in weight I compesate with a couple of rings. I'm very satisfied with this setup. If Viltrox made 13 it will be wonderful.


Been traveling around Korea with this lens on a m6ii it’s been fantastic! Had some issues with focus when using older 3rd party batteries but with canon batteries it’s superb


I held off buying this lens for a long time, but finally made the plunge last week with a reasonably priced used used copy. 23mm is my sweet spot focal length for railroad video, and really wanted the f1.4 for night video. I had been using the Sigma 16mm f1.4 which is an outstanding lens, but it is heavier and bulky and just a bit wider than I really want for a lot of images and video. I had held off on the Viltrox 23 for so long as many reviews show soft corners with the overall conclusion being the Canon 22mm f2 seemed sharper. HOWEVER - now that I have used the lens and processed a number of videos and photos --- I believe the Viltrox 23mm f1.4 to be superior optically overall than the Canon EF-M 22mm f2. Part of the problem reviewers have I think is the lack of good lens corrections for the Viltrox --- my favorite DxO Photolab 6 doesn't even have corrections for it. However, I've gotten very good at dialing in corrections for vintage and other lenses that don't have predefined corrections --- and once fully corrected, I am actually getting overall richer and sharper images from the Viltrox than I can get from the Canon 22 at the same apertures, even if I try very hard to tweak the Canon images with custom settings! The Canon has noticeably more vignetting at its max aperture of f2 than the Viltrox has at f2 --- degrading the corners in a way that's noticeable. I bought this lens on the strong recommendation Mark gave it --- and the trust I place in his judgement. With every lens and gadget I've bought that he's touted as having special qualities - I've found time after time I have to agree with him. This lens is no different -- and part of what sets it apart from others is the slightly richer 'filmic' look it gives. The colors it produces do match Canon EF-M lenses well --- but there is some extra 'ethereal quality' to this lens' images that set it apart. The Canon 22mm f2 images are very, very good - but next to the Viltrox 23's images of the same subject taken at the same time, the Viltrox images just have some X factor that makes them better. Thank you Mark for another excellent recommendation!


Love your reviews!! I have the M50 Mk II and have purchased most of your suggested accesories and lenses. Love them all and they work exactly as described. The only option I purchased that you didn't suggest is the SmallRig -Universal Aluminum NATO Side Handle Grip. I have BIG hands and this accessory really helps with my grip on the camera with the SmallRig cage.


Buying the used viltrox 23mm lately, bring it to some couple graduation photoshoot, and I'm dissapointed :(. Once I tried the 22mm F2.0 EFM, the viltrox feels way moore harder to focus and the vignette was quite noticeable especially on wider aperture. Recently sold the 23mm viltrox and bought the used 22mm F2.0. Totally worth every penny, especially considering the price, picture quality, focus, and overall footprint. Anyway, good review!


I have the 56mm 1.4 from viltrox, it's incredible. They know how to make a stellar lens for the budget conscious.


No no no Mark. I already bought so many equipment because of your videos I not going to buy this one. I want to really thank you for all your videos that helped me to buy the right stuff for the m50 mark 2 I have now. I'm being in a very bad situation in life where dead is very close, your videos keep me going. Thank you Mark, truly.


Wow, that lens is about 4 times the size of the Canon 22mm F/2! That 22mm is by far the best lens Canon made for EF-M, I think. I've never seen or tried the 32mm prime, but it would be hard to beat.


Okay, Okay! I'll order it! Starting to learn on my m50 Mark ii. It's a nice little camera and now I want to try different things with it. I just ordered the 23mm and also the 56mm (after watching the other video).


The 23mm was the first one I bought. Can confirm. Good lens. I use that and my Viltrox 56mm more than anything.


I was just thinking about this lens for my M50 (and I hope to get the M6 MKII soon also), and just had to re-look at this video to remind me why this lens will rock for me. Just ordered it from Amazon. Thanks again, Mark!!


Picked one up for the M6MKII several months ago on your recommendation, it has served me extremely well. Tied for favorite with the Canon 32mm


when i did my "if i could only keep one of my prime lenses" scenario a few moths ago i got it down to two, the efm 32mm ƒ1.4 and the vintage pentacon 50mm ƒ1.8, never really could split them
yes the efm lens as the fast focusing AF and razor sharp optics but that 50mm pentacon that only cost me images just make me smile every time, and don't think i don't have great glass in primes, like the sigma 105mm ƒ1.4 and sigma 56mm ƒ1.4

in the end they both got beaten by the winner of the zooms, just can't len my sigma 100-400mm go, its wildlife i came into it for and this lens does it so well in a light weight compact size,

as for the efm lenses, the 18-150mm is a real good lens, i wouldnt be too sad if i only had that one either


Thanks for continuing to providing videos for the M mount system. I have been getting weary about continuing to get M mount lenses I do have regular and speed-booster adapters this video helps especially the video clips


I'd have to humbly disagree. Size matters to the EF-M system. It's the 22 mm F2 STM all the way for me. For me the kitlens is the most important lens. Then the 32 mm F/1.4. Then the 22 mm F2


I just wanted to ask why not 70-200 if that gives maximum amount of blur and also a versatile lens serving all purpose and needs!


I found the Vit 23mm too big for discrete photography. With digital cameras we can push ISO equivalence to 800 and then the canon 22mm becomes a good enough option. It’s far more discrete and almost no one notices a M50/22 combo even in museums (National Gallery, Wallace Collection, etc) where security can get a bit worried.


I have def been considering getting this to pair with my Sigma 16. Thanks for this push


I have a Rokinon 24mm on a Viltrox Speed Booster and it's a great focal length.
