Otter Titi Is Thrilled About The Wheelbarrow For Moving Rocks

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My students and I are collecting stones to build a chicken coop fence. Otter Titi returned from the forest and discovered us. He chased after us, presumably to help, but in reality, he was just bothering us. If you like otter Titi, please support Helping Otter Conservation on Patreon so that he and his friends can eat every day. Soon I will be moving into the mangrove forest to live for the sake of otter conservation and to rescue sea creatures on a daily basis. Please subscribe to this YouTube channel if you want to help me make a living in the mangrove forest and protect it from urbanization. All and any donations are appreciated even if you can't donate, like and share my videos to spread awareness.

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So, I have been misinformed all of these years as to appropriate attire for moving rocks around in a wheel barrow. I stand corrected. Silk pajamas and Flippy floppy's to ALL of America's construction workers. I propose a vote
