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00:00 - Explanations
00:34 - Advice 1
01:04 - Advice 2
01:43 - Advice 3
02:36 - Advice 4
02:45 - Advice 5
03:10 - Advice 6
04:05 - Advice 7
04:58 - Advice 8
05:08 - Advice 9
05:25 - Advice 10
05:58 - Advice 11
06:23 - Advice 12 & 13
06:53 - Advice 14
07:14 - Advice 15
07:37 - Advice 16
07:54 - Advice 17
08:22 - Advice 18
09:05 - Advice 19
09:25 - Advice 20
09:42 - Advice 21
10:07 - Advice 22
10:24 - Advice 23
10:49 - Advice 24
11:12 - Advice 25 + Bonus
12:14 - Outro

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Most important advice is to buy conquerors edition, use 40% coupon and free pearls on tent, then never touch the pearlshop again.


The game is soo immersive its like you are level 1 in POE and pressed K


This is the first video a new player should watch before or when they start the game.


Yeah play it at your own pace.. people might say that it consumes and waste ur time but thats a you problem.. I can say the same to other games its about how you enjoy ur time on a game, if ur not enjoying anymore then just quit and comeback whenever u feel like it.. and unlike any other MMOs, you can come back and not force to rush till end game in BDO whenever a new expansion comes out.


people nowadays just take gaming too seriously, if you like bdo and enjoy the "variety" of things that the game offers (aka lifeskill and grinding) there is no need for looking an incentive to play more than the fact that you are having fun, if you want something more time rewarding or casual in general, then dont play bdo for gs, that's it lol


Nice tips. I have experiance playing the mobile version and just started a bdo account a week ago. The systems are simular but very diffrent in many ways. Im enjoying my time for sure. Im just taking my time learning the controls and interface as I slowly progress the main storyline. You pointed out a couple systems that i was not aware of and I thank you for that very much.


I have played bdo a lot on ps4 when it first came out. But after taking a long break, I realised that soo many things changed, especially with the ui. Now I want to come back and your channel feels like a gift from the god :D Looks like I will spend a lot of time watching those guides and hopefully will not burn out from the game again. Bu arada baktım da bizdenmişsin:) aksanın güzel ve anlaşılır adamın dibisin kanalında başarılar diliyorum kardeşim.


as a guy who made multiple accounts the one thing i hate in bdo is the journals but in other aspects ull fall in love about the combat and other things ( im talking about the dokkebi chest for the love of God PA update that one )


I just started to play bdo like 3 days ago?
Got wizard to 56lvl and the journey was "painful" but when AWA show up I'm just enjoying polly and I don't need anything XD
This game is so good when you will get the basic experience also I was lucky to get a lot of support from players in game :D


Pick the most meta class..
As soon as pa nerf it abit.. Say the classs dead act like u are the most miserable player in bdo..👍


Drakania ya gelen değişikliklikler hakkında video çekecek misin? Bu arada söylemek isterim videoların gerçekten çok kaliteli. BDO hakkında bu kadar uğraşılmış, emek verilmiş ve anlaşılması basit videolar çekmen harika. Drakania PVP Guide videolarında drakaniayı bile kolay bi karaktermiş gibi öğretmeyi başarmışsın resmen.


Valla kendimi tebrik ediyorum 3 kuruş ingilizcemle bir şeyler anladığım için eline sağlık


Tip No. 3, "Catching up endgame players is much easier than you think" !!??
For people who knows the ins and outs, it may be easier. But for the New Players, which the Video is for, I doubt that. I really really doubt that.


in some region there 2 type of clients, steam ver and web ver. which one the best you recommend to newcomer?
in case like weekly updates or patch, best deal for p2w


sage succ oynaması en zor classlardan, animasyon iptalleri vs. nasıl starter class olarak öneriyorsunuz sadece sen değil bir kaç kanalda böyle paylaşıyor altındaki sebebi merak ettim.


'don't listen to negative things from players under 50 hours?' Dont forget games are not work, games should be fun since the first minute.
50 hours is a good amount for new comer to make a valid argument tbh. I mean the game doesn't get good for even after 2k hours of me playing lol.


One piece of advice would be to take your time, it's not necessary to do everything and doing it quickly will only stress you out and leave the game with a bad experience. The best thing is to take your time and not think about being as efficient as possible, if you start to get tired of the routine, leave the game for a few months or years, then come back and don't mind having the latest equipment. Know that pvp is not balanced but if you are attracted to pvp I recommend playing with the most OP class, not the one you like the most, as that will end up stressing you out. ;)


im not a fan of PA giving free item for me its better if they just make a event hot time enhancement once a month like + enhancem, ent chance it better than giving item for free they give t9 horse bs weapon


Actual advice:
1. Don't play BDO, it is an endless marathon sprint and will consume all of your time and make you resent the game you can't quit.
2. Start doing the royal fern dailies immediately for t10 horses because it is extremely time-gated.
3. Try capped PvP immediately like Arena of Solare which can be done with 0 gear, if you don't enjoy this gameplay, quit and never look back.


I see little to none benefits of joining the guild. Killing world bosses? Just go and kill him yourself, usually this is exactly what i am doing, often solo, and if not solo, there are almost always someone there, on the spot. Guild buffs? Can be ignored, to be honest. Talking with people? In this game? No. I saw the chat, its usually 3 topics: 1) Who has the bigger ding dong? 2) What this thing for? 3) Please carry me. Asking for help? I never asked anyone for help in this game, and i am 730 GS currently. Guild wars? Hell no. In fact, this game is often makes you avoid other players (fighting for a spot, for example, or random attacks for no reason, or getting killed while you are afk and fishing, so much fun), in other MMOs you are actually doing raids there, you can discuss the interesting content too, so you need descent people to play together, BDO is descouraging you from doing this. I am not attacking the game in general, it is the great game, challenging, with hard to get stuff, i love it, but social aspect is simply not there.
