Elizabeth Warren Trolls Facebook In New Ad

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"A days-long feud between Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Facebook intensified over the weekend as Warren openly accused the company of "taking money to promote lies."
Warren, a leading Democratic 2020 candidate, has taken aim at the social media giant over its role in spreading disinformation against her and other candidates. Her campaign ran an ad on Facebook this past week that contained a deliberate lie to draw further attention to the issue.
That provocative move came after a recording leaked earlier this month of CEO Mark Zuckerberg telling employees that a Warren presidency would "suck" for the company.
Facebook fired back at Warren over the weekend via another social media platform, Twitter, where the company compared itself to broadcast television stations that ran the Trump ad and are regulated by the Federal Communications Commission."*
Hosts: Brooke Thomas, Dan Evans, Steve Bramucci
Cast: Brooke Thomas, Dan Evans, Steve Bramucci
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