14 Subatomic Stories: Where Einstein failed - quantum gravity

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Gravity is the most familiar of the forces and Einstein’s theory of general relativity describes it pretty well. However, it fails in the subatomic realm and it will eventually need to be completely replaced by a new theory of quantum gravity. In episode 14 of Subatomic Stories, Fermilab’s Dr. Don Lincoln talks about quantum gravity, including a couple of candidate theories.
Extra dimensions:
Dark matter:
Dark energy:
Loop quantum gravity:
General relativity:
Fermilab physics 101:
Fermilab home page:
Gamma ray animation credit:
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/Cruz deWilde
Extra dimensions:
Dark matter:
Dark energy:
Loop quantum gravity:
General relativity:
Fermilab physics 101:
Fermilab home page:
Gamma ray animation credit:
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/Cruz deWilde
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