Can atheists have mystical experiences? | Ariane Moore | TEDxHobart

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I am atheist, born and raised this way and had similar experience but I wouldn't describe it as mystical. I was teenager as well on a motorcycle trip out west from Chicago with my parents. We were camped out in the high plateau in New Mexico after coming down from red river ski valley into the plateau with the Rio Grande river running through . It was late evening and I was walking in the desert and looked up and seen the most stars I had ever seen in my life. It was the milky way from horizon to horizon as clear as can be and I froze in place and stared. I could see the rotation of the Earth, and I could visualize our place in the spiral arm and see the spiral arm of the milky way and i could visualize the entire galaxy and at moment I felt an incredible understanding and it was existential experience. It was quite striking in that living my whole life outside of Chicago never seeing more than a few stars I was shocked at the sight in the desert far away from any city lights.


If, as many have expressed, a mystical experience sets in motion, a passion, energized by desire, for further exploration of self-awareness and curiosity of an ecological interconnectedness for growth (expansion) then why does it matter (ultimately) what modality (or belief system) the mystical experiences come from? Are we seeking to prove the "right" origins of a mystical experience or might we benefit individually and collectedly if we foster and nurture those experiences (regardless of modality or system)?


Our (atheistic, naturalistic) religious path uses ritual to cultivate these experiences. Techniques and skills can make them easier to attain. And nature--reverence for the Earth and Cosmos--is central to all of it.


I am sure that one, - in command of/ the source of - such mysticism would be more than capable of revealing absolutely whatever to whomever, whenever.


Rudolf Otto is worth reading on the subject


How would I know if I was having mystical experience, how would I know it?


Human beings can have a neuropsychiatric experience in the region of the brain which has been credited with these experiences. But I fail to see the value or necessity of using nebulous and frankly silly language like "mystical experience" or "spirituality" for it.

Is there really any reason we can't describe this phenomenon scientifically? I don't think so


Could people who have mystical experiences be conducive to ill mental health.


Divinity is an extremely vague word. It can mean anything to anybody. It could be the deepest aspect of reality, to even a higher projection of yourself.


As a Christian this was really interesting insight into the philosophical tensions within atheism. I’m wondering what an atheist would make of chapters 38-40 in the book of Job 🤔


My brother in humanity, I am sending you this message... God is waiting for you to follow the path of guidance and He loves goodness for you... What do you think about sailing on a journey of searching for God, the Great Creator who created this beautiful universe... If you want to know God, read about the Islamic religion God command


There’s two ways to see reality, one way is to see yourself as a mistake, or you can see yourself as a miracle, these are the essential distinctions, and from that you can conclude that either what you do matters, or you can conclude that what you do is meaningless. Meaninglessness is a preference for most people because it lets them off the hook 🪝
